
Love During Lockup exclusive: Chelsea meets Mike’s family

Chelsea from Love During Lockup.
Chelsea meets Mike’s family on Love During Lockup. Pic credit: WEtv

Love During Lockup couple Mike and Chelsea moved forward in their relationship.

In this week’s episode of the WEtv show, Chelsea meets Mike’s family. They are all hearing, and communicating with her isn’t as easy as they thought. However, his mom does her best so that Chelsea can read her lips.

Apparently, Mike suffered a stroke while incarcerated. Actually, he had a total of two, but when he had the first one, he wasn’t given medical attention, which has Chelsea and his family upset.

They don’t know much about what happened, and they suspect the details are being kept under wraps to protect whoever messed up and denied him medical attention.

While talking to Mike’s mom, Chelsea reveals how much she cares about him. It’s then that he calls to see how the visit is going.

This is the first time Mike hears Chelsea’s voice as they communicate through videos and the written word.

Chelsea and Mike’s mom plan to see a lawyer about medical malpractice, which makes him happy.

To see what happens, be sure to tune in to the all-new Love During Lockup episode.

Love During Lockup airs Fridays at 9/8c on WEtv.

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