
Love in Paradise: Sherlon is not making a good impression on Aryanna’s mom Karen

Sherlon, Karen, and Aryanna
Sherlon’s surface answers to Karen’s questions did not put her at ease and tampered with her impression of him. Pic credit: TLC

During the latest episode of Love in Paradise: The Caribbean, A 90 Day Story Aryanna’s mom Karen attempted to grill Sherlon about his intentions and future plans with her daughter while they were relaxing on the beach. Sherlon’s responses, however, were evasive and left Karen feeling a lot of skepticism.

Karen brought up her concerns to Sherlon about her fears that he will turn out to be an absent father and stressed the importance that he begins the K-1 visa process with Aryanna so he can have a place in his son’s life.

As much as Sherlon tried to reassure Karen that he intends on being there, he skirted around the giving any solid responses. Granted, Sherlon and Aryanna have not yet had any serious talks on the subject, so he may have been holding back until then.

Karen Jirjis did not not like Sherlon McInnis’s evasive answers to questions about Aryanna Sierra

After her talk with Sherlon on the beach, Karen gave a private interview afterward where she talked about her feelings and uneasiness.

Karen explained, “He can tell me all he wants that he’s going to take care of the baby and that he’s going to be good to the baby, but that’s just words. And I really want to see action.”

She went on to say, “I know the relationship is between those two, but you know when I become the one that’s taking on his role I have a right to answers and I have a right to know what’s really going on.”

It appears that once Karen sees more effort from Sherlon to commit to Aryanna and the process of coming to America she will feel better, but that is not at all what she’s gotten so far.

Karen and Sherlon
Sherlon and Karen talked about some of the possibilities on the table without coming to any conclusions. Pic credit: TLC

Sherlon McInnis and Aryanna Sierra will have a lot to overcome on Love in Paradise: The Caribbean this season

25-year-old Aryanna and 35-year-old Sherlon met while Aryanna was on vacation in Jamaica and they only spent a few days together before Aryanna came back to the US and found out she was pregnant.

They have tiptoed around each other about the reality of their situation and are struggling to make any progress with their relationship goals and the needs of their son.

It looks like next episode Aryanna will try and have one of those hard conversations they have been avoiding, and Sherlon will continue to try and avoid.

Love in Paradise: The Caribbean, A 90 Day Story airs Sundays on Discovery+.

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