Not every Married at First Sight couple crosses the Decision Day finish line, but Brett Lindsey and Ryan Ignasiak didn’t even make it to the halfway mark. Fans are taking to social media to express relief that the Brett and Ryan saga has finally come to a close.
Brett and Ryan say goodbye
Let’s be honest, the honeymoon for this couple ended well, on the honeymoon. As soon as they got back, things between the two drastically changed and it was clear that Ryan had just checked out.
While Brett continued to try a little bit longer to salvage things, it was clear by the time Decision Day rolled around, these two were ready to say goodbye, and apparently so were MAFS viewers.
After the Decision Day airing, when both Brett and Ryan agreed they wanted a divorce, fans appeared more relieved than anything, to see that the two had finally called it quits.
Viewers had spent the season watching the relationship slowly wither away as Ryan disappeared and Brett tried to figure out where exactly he went. While Brett continued to try to win Ryan’s affections through meetings with the experts and ongoing attempts at creating a connection, Ryan revealed that he actually felt less for Brett than he did on their wedding day.
Ryan continued to say he was just not feeling “butterflies” and that Brett was not “his type.” Although he never seemed to get around to telling Brett that, as he told the experts, his family, his costars, and the cameras and everyone but Brett, how he felt.
Even when confronted with that information, Ryan still continued to deny it and said he felt that “not everything needed to be said,” meaning he felt that she should understand from his actions that he wasn’t interested.
Many fans had felt that because of Ryan’s serial dater past, he might not quite be marriage material and the final few weeks of the season cemented that for them.
Ryan called himself a “reformed serial dater” but the reformed part did not seem to stick as admitted to using dating apps before Decision Day.
So it’s no wonder fans were ready for these two to call it quits.
Fans are Team Brett
Along with the relief, many viewers expressed their joy for Brett for finally “being free.” Many felt that Brett would have no problem moving on and finding someone new and they hoped she would.
Ryan, on the other hand, did not seem to garner as much support from fans or the experts. Dr. Pepper raked him over the coals on Decision Day for downloading dating apps before the marriage was over.
Ryan has yet to truly apologize to Brett as he said he was “sorry it happened,” but nothing else. Yikes. If Ryan is trying to salvage his “good guy” image he’s got a ways to go after the Decision Day fiasco.
But overall, it seems like the two just weren’t a good match for whatever reasons, and we are sure that both Ryan and Brett are just happy to be able to put the experience behind them and move on with their lives.
Married at First Sight airs on Wednesdays at 8/7c on Lifetime.