
MAFS fans weigh in on Michaela’s walkout

MAFS Michaela and Zack pose for a promo photo
MAFS couple, Michaela and Zack, cozy up for a photo Pic credit: Lifetime

Michaela and Zack Freeman started off as a fan favorite, but their popularity has quickly plummeted as fans weigh in on some of Michaela’s recent blowups and breakdowns.

Michaela Clark stages a walk out

Ok, so we are the first to admit we were team “Zack and Michaela.” The couple even claimed the number two spot on our Most Likely to Succeed List. But the explosive connection between this couple (and we don’t just mean in the bedroom) took us all by surprise.

The couple’s recent blowup certainly escalated quickly. The problem began when Zack fell asleep in the couple’s shared apartment guest room while trying to get his dog Bella to sleep. The next morning, he woke up early to take Bella to doggy daycare, and when he returned, Michaela had already moved out.

Michaela returned later that day for the couple’s meeting with Pastor Cal, where she had a few choice words for her husband. Michaela railed at Zack for leaving and not telling her where he was going, as Zack attempted to explain his side of the story.

Pastor Cal arrived just in time and calmed the scene. Thanks to some Pastor Cal marital counseling magic, it was finally revealed that Michaela had been so angry because Zack’s absence triggered emotions of recently losing her father. The session ended with Michaela crying into Zack’s arms and Zack consoling her.

But the incident still left a bitter taste in some fan’s mouths as they felt the reasoning did not justify the behavior, and they wondered if Michaela was ready for Married At First Sight.

Viewers call out Michaela’s hypocrisy

For many fans, the irony of the blowup was that the day before, Michaela and Zack had talked about how they would handle their first fight when it came up. Michaela claimed that she did not believe in throwing things or walking out as it was “abusive” and “abandoning people.” Yet, presumably less than 24 hours later, she was throwing things and moving out of the couple’s apartment.

Fans continued to be confused by Michaela’s “do as I say, not as I do” behavior.

Fans weren’t the only ones weighing in on this situation because even Zack himself had an opinion to share on social media. Following the airing of the episode, Zack expressed that justifying Michaela’s behavior, no matter the reason behind it, was simply not acceptable.

Zack’s words caused many to speculate on whether the couple is still together or if “Hurricane K”, Michaela’s alter ego when she’s angry, had caused too much damage for the couple to recover from.

While Zack and Michaela seem to have reconciled at this point, the trailers for the remaining episodes let us know that the drama for these two is far from over. We will see next week if the couple can at least survive one episode, hurricane-free.

Married at First Sight airs on Wednesdays at 8/7c on Lifetime.

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