Woody has not been quiet about his attraction to his new wife Amani on the New Orlean’s based season of Married at First Sight.
While the other couples are having issues creating intimacy, the hard part for Amani and Woody was waiting. They both admitted to having an instant attraction and the challenge was waiting for their emotional connection to catch up.
From the wedding day, it was clear that Amani and Woody had an initial comfortability that the other couples didn’t have.
The couple couldn’t help but have an instant connection
The two have developed a friendship and it was important to Amani that the connection wasn’t dependent on the physical aspects. She later went on to say “I just don’t feel confident that we can have sex – and still focus on everything else.”
While her connection with Woody has been great – that’s how all her previous relationships have started. She goes on to reveal that her last relationship ended due to finding out her partner was married.
Amani was upfront with her inexperience with sex to which Woody respected her honesty. He has always said her brutal honesty is something he likes about her and needed in a wife.
It’s a match made in heaven, and Amani noted that “I like that I can be honest about what I’m interested in and you not get scared of, you know, whatever I’m saying or you want to adjust to whatever I need and want, so I appreciate that.”
They admitted to risky behavior
Unlike traditional marriages, the couple has the help of the experts to help facilitate their accelerated marriages.
Amani joked that she had her chastity belt on during the honeymoon. It didn’t stay on for long – after the rose petals in the bathtub and the bottles of champagne, the relationship heated up. The couple confessed to Pastor Cal that they had consummated the relationship.
Not only did they confess to being intimate, but they also admitted they haven’t used protection every time. Viewers weren’t sure if Woody was joking when he said he was shooting for a honeymoon baby.
Expert: are you guys having sex?
Woody and Amani: yes
Him: Are you guys using protection?
Them: ?#MAFS #MarriedAtFirstSight pic.twitter.com/ppW6xOLtMt— marie (@m_sarr) August 27, 2020
While viewers are hoping for a MAFS baby, Amani quickly cleared up they aren’t trying to make it a habit and that babies are not in their immediate future.
But with the way things are heating up, we’re predicting that Amani and Woody will produce the first fruits of this season.
Married at First Sight airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on Lifetime.