Johnny Lam has continued to fall from grace as the 13th season of Married at First Sight unfolds, and fans are fed up with Johnny’s pattern of harshly putting his wife, Bao, down.
After the latest episode showed Johnny saying particularly hurtful and critical comments towards Bao, Married at First Sight viewers took to social media to express their annoyance with Johnny and their desire for Bao to walk away from the relationship.
MAFS viewers call out Johnny’s poor treatment of Bao
Bao and Johnny have had a multitude of ups and downs during their short time together and they’ve found that they are very different in the way they give and receive love.
Recently, Johnny became heated as he told Bao he doesn’t think she’s putting in any effort, despite Bao showing her love through small daily gestures. Getting into yet another argument, Johnny once again decided to not sleep at the apartment and uninvited Bao to his family event.
Later during a session with Pastor Cal, Johnny expressed that he sometimes wishes he was married to “literally anyone else” and that he didn’t think Bao was genuine. Pastor Cal didn’t hold back in telling Johnny that he is sabotaging his relationship and Bao was brought to tears during their counseling session.
Johnny’s critical nature and his quest for “high school love” with a perfect woman has been taxing on Bao and has caused MAFS viewers to become sick of Johnny.
One MAFS viewer marveled over the audacity of Johnny’s behavior and expressed finding Johnny to be a jerk, saying “Good morning to everyone but Johnny from Married at First Sight. Absolute jerk.”
Many fans have voiced finding Johnny’s treatment of Bao to be verbally abusive and one MAFS fan noted, “Johnny give[s] off ‘abusive vibes’ like off a lifetime movie.”
Johnny is no longer a fan favorite to MAFS viewers
Interestingly Johnny seemed like he would become a fan favorite at the start of the season but the tables quickly turned as he became more and more harsh and judgmental of Bao. One MAFS viewer tweeted, “I can’t believe I thought Johnny was going to be my favorite. BAO Deserve so much better!”
Bao has continually expressed her commitment to making her marriage work and Pastor Cal expressed that Bao is a strong and confident woman because of the way she has remained fairly calm and committed to Johnny even when he makes mean remarks towards her.
However, some fans expressed wanting to see Bao finally have a moment where she just unleashes and goes off on Johnny before divorcing him. A tweet read, “All I want in this life is for Bao to just go off on Johnny one good time…and then leave him.”
Another MAFS viewer didn’t hold back on their assessment of Johnny and also pushed for Bao to ask for a divorce, stating, “Johnny is ridiculous. He’s mean, condescending, & clearly not willing to put in the effort. Bao is flawed for not showering (PERIOD), but at least she’s TRYING in all other aspects. She won’t ask for a divorce in the end, but she should!”
Finally, perhaps the most scathing accusation made about Johnny is comparing him to the ultimate MAFS villain, Chris Williams from Married at First Sight Season 12.
A commenter tweeted, “OMG y’all were right…Johnny is this season’s Chris.”
Every MAFS season typically has a person who causes a lot of damaging trouble and drama to their spouse and Chris tops the list of MAFS troublemakers, so it’s a bad sign that some are drawing comparisons between Chris and Johnny.
Previews for the next episode show Johnny potentially telling Bao that he never pursued her in the past because he wasn’t attracted to her, so it looks like his hurtful behavior will only continue as the season goes on. Time will tell if Bao decides to stay or if she agrees with MAFS fans and walks away from the marriage.
Married at First Sight airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on Lifetime.
Johnny is not a man, he’s a little insecure boy who whines like a baby. So over him.
Johnny is the worst. I can not stand him. He is a narcissist, he is mean, selfish, egotistical, he needs to be put in his place, which is the bottom of the wrung.