
Married at First Sight fans tell Zack to ‘run’

MAFS Zack drops his head
MAFS Zack is exhausted. Pic credit: Lifetime

Married At First Sight’s Zack Freeman has had a tough few weeks– from getting COVID-19 on his honeymoon to having his new wife move out the day after he got back.

Now the couples retreat going way off course. It’s no wonder he’s looking so tired, and fans aren’t far behind, but they have a little advice for the exhausted MAFS husband.

Run, Zack, run

MAFS Zack Freeman and Michaela Clark started off as a fan favorite, but viewer opinion flipped almost as suddenly as Michaela’s moods do. Now the verdict among viewers on social media is one small piece of advice for Zack– “Run.”

Many have had growing reservations about Michaela since the honeymoon when they felt she reacted poorly to Zack’s news of a positive COVID-19 test. While many viewed the incident as a red flag, some were still team Zack and Michaela and felt the two could work through the disagreement.

While it did become pretty clear over time that Michaela had a bit of a temper, we don’t think anyone was prepared for how the recent couples retreat would go. We know we certainly weren’t.

While the retreat started off well with Zack and Michaela fawning over each other and baby goats, it ended with Michaela breaking furniture and screaming while Zack scurried to his car.

Zack ended up driving home in the middle of the night to escape Michaela’s Category 5 meltdown and fans told Zack to just keep driving. MAFS viewer’s current advice to Zack is to run.

Having meltdowns is not an uncommon feature of the MAFS experience, but furniture breaking is a bit of a new one. If fans had had their doubts about Michaela before, this new behavior pushed their opinion of her right over the edge.

MAFS fans have had it

We all know MAFS can bring the drama, but when fans feel it crosses over to toxic, they have no problem voicing their opinions. And the viewer’s verdict for Michaela is that she has gone toxic.

Following the couples retreat, many took to social media saying they have had it with Michaela. Many even began taking shots at the experts for not weeding Michaela out of the MAFS process or not checking into her past more thoroughly before matching her with Zack.

But regardless of whether she should have been let on the show or not, she is there now and fans have only one thing left to say about that.

Run, Zack, run.

Married at First Sight airs on Wednesdays at 8/7c on Lifetime.

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