New details are coming out as to why Married at First Sight stars Brandon and Taylor are divorcing.
The previews for the upcoming episode of Married at First Sight opened up a whole can of worms on social media.
The preview included an Instagram Live video of Taylor saying she is single while listing qualifications for the type of man she wants.
Mafsfan posted the full video, and viewers started commenting.
One mystery Instagram account, in particular, had a lot to say about Taylor’s perspective and explained Taylor’s side of the story.
Other commenters accused the account of being Taylor, and the person all but admitted that she was Taylor.

What was said in the comments
According to the blogger, Taylor’s Instagram Live video was posted right after the honeymoons. Many people had an issue with the fact that Taylor posted the video at all, as a married woman.
A newly-created Instagram account, with no picture, showed up in the comments defending Taylor’s choice of posting the video.
The commenter stated that she was at the wedding and a friend of Taylor’s from school. She claimed that Taylor posted the video to kill speculation that she was on the show.
She also said that Brandon showed the video to production to make Taylor look bad because he felt that he looked bad on the show.

Once others started questioning the explanation for Taylor’s video, the mystery account further explained about the fines the cast receives for discussing the details of the show before it has aired.

Everyone believes it is actually Taylor behind the mystery account
Because of all the details, the mystery account started getting accused of actually being Taylor. One person stated that they were suspicious because the account was just created and had no details or a picture.
The mystery account started to defend herself.

She then all but admitted that she actually was Taylor.

The mystery account shared a few more details about the show
According to the mystery poster, Brandon and Michael are “unstable.” She also stated that the show would finish airing in April.

She also claims that the rumor about Taylor being a last-minute addition is untrue.
She claims that Taylor was picked for the show in late May/early June and that the whole rumor is an attempt to trash her by Brandon’s groomsmen.

Fans started wondering if Taylor was trying to insinuate that Brandon was gay. Taylor…er um, the mystery account cleared that right up.

This season is turning out to be super messy.
Married at First Sight airs on Wednesdays at 8/7c on Lifetime.