
Michelle Duggar arrives in California to attend Jinger Duggar’s birth

Michelle Duggar in a Counting On confessional.
Michelle Duggar arrived in California. Pic credit: TLC

Lolli has landed in California.

Jinger Duggar confirmed that her mom, Michelle Duggar, would head to Los Angeles to be there when she welcomed her baby boy.

Her due date is this week, and yesterday, Jinger kicked off “Baby Watch Week.”

She and Jeremy Vuolo are spending time with their daughters before they welcome their baby boy.

Michelle Duggar had not yet arrived when Jinger shared some fun with the girls, but it seems she arrived at some point on Sunday.

That means Jinger should be gearing up to welcome her first son anytime now.

Michelle Duggar immediately steps into ‘Lolli’ mode

The Duggar grandchildren call Michelle Duggar Lolli.

All of the Duggar siblings and their spouses have been consistent with it.

Michelle is often featured with Joy-Anna Duggar’s children, and she has a bag of toys she brings when she comes to spend time with them.

We suspect that Lolli brought something similar for Felicity and Evangeline, as she spends time with them before Jinger Duggar heads to the hospital to welcome their little brother.

Jinger shared a photo of Michelle with Felicity on her Instagram Story.

Michelle Duggar spending time Jinger Duggar
Michelle Duggar is on Lolli duty. Pic credit: @jingervuolo/Instagram

It’s unclear whether Michelle traveled alone or if one of the younger sisters joined her in California. The last time the reality TV mom was in California for Evangeline’s birth, Jordyn-Grace Duggar came along.

There will likely be more photos as the week goes on. We also suspect Michelle will participate in the birth video as Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo welcome their first son.

When is Jinger Duggar’s due date?

Jinger Duggar revealed she was due on March 27, but speculation is that the 28th would be the day.

However, having the baby on her actual due date is less likely. The baby is usually born before or after the date, as it is typically a guess that can vary by a few days.

With Michelle Duggar in town, we have to wonder if an induction is on the table because it’s unclear how long she plans to stay in California. It’s likely easier these days as her children are almost grown up, and Josie is a teenager. They no longer need the level of care they did a few years ago, and Johannah Duggar is an adult and can watch her sisters.

Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo will become a family of five in the coming days, and we have also begun our official baby watch.

Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets is currently streaming on Prime Video.

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2 days ago

Here we go again, every time something happens with a Dugger girls and daughter-in-laws it’s all over the net. So sick andtired of seeing, maybe they should keep the news to themselves or keep their legs closed

12 hours ago

Someone needs to watch Johanna !! Lol. Jordyn and Jennifer are more mature than she is. Lol.