
My 600-lb Life exclusive: Cynthia’s weight loss has stalled and Dr. Now calls her out

Cynthia on My 600-lb Life
Cynthia’s weight loss has slowed and Dr. Now isn’t happy. Pic credit: TLC

Cynthia’s story continues in the next episode of My 600-lb Life as she continues her weight loss journey. This mother of five has already lost 250 pounds, but she’s not done yet, whether she wants to be or not.

In this exclusive My 600-lb Life sneak peek, Dr. Now confronts Cynthia about her continued efforts to lose weight.

During her last visit, Cynthia gained some weight back, and this time around, she wasn’t losing weight either.

Dr. Now warns Cynthia that she is failing her weight loss surgery, and he wants to get her back on the right track.

But when Dr. Now asks Cynthia what is going on, she is full of excuses.

“When I was losing my weight, I was exercising every day,” Cynthia told Dr. Now. “I can’t exercise like I did because I have kids to take care of. That has to be it because I’m doing the diet.”

Dr. Now doesn’t buy Cynthia’s excuses

Dr. Now is no fool, and he can tell when his patients are being straight with him or if they are trying to make excuses for falling back into their old patterns.

That is the case with Cynthia too, and Dr. Now doesn’t believe that she isn’t losing weight because of a lack of exercise. He even explains to her that, at her size, exercise shouldn’t make the difference between weight loss or gain.

It all comes down to what she is eating and how much.

Dr. Now wants Cynthia to go to psychotherapy so she can get a handle on her weight loss again. It would be a shame to gain that weight back after losing 250 pounds and getting all the way down to the 300s.

At this point, Cynthia has already lost more than half the weight she needs to lose to get to a healthy weight, but as far as Dr. Now is concerned, that isn’t enough.

Cynthia can’t exercise because of the kids

The excuse that Cynthia is using for her recent weight gain isn’t sitting well with Dr. Now, and it probably won’t go over well with a lot of parents either.

She says that she doesn’t have time to exercise because of her kids.

“Whether I ate good or not, I could always rely on exercise to make up the gap,” Cynthia tells Dr. Now.

Cynthia on My 600-lb Life
Cynthia’s weight loss has slowed and Dr. Now isn’t happy. Pic credit: TLC

After Cynthia ranted about not being able to lose weight because of her inability to exercise, Dr. Now continues to insist she go to psychotherapy, as he doesn’t think her issue is a lack of exercise.

It’s clear he fears she is slipping back into old eating habits and isn’t following the diet, and he’s not buying any of her excuses.

Dr. Now even tells Cynthia that if she doesn’t go to psychotherapy, he is going to drop her from the program. He wants her to be one of his success stories, but he’s not going to listen to her made-up reasons for why she’s losing progress.

Check out the My 600-lb Life clip above to watch as the scene plays out.

My 600-lb Life airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on TLC. 

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