
RHOSLC: Jen Shah says there’s ‘definitely hope’ for future friendship with Mary Cosby

Jen Shah reveals whether there's hope for her and Mary Cosby's friendship.
Jen Shah reveals whether there’s hope for her and Mary Cosby’s friendship. Pic credit: Bravo

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Jen Shah hints that she and costar Mary Cosby may have finally buried the hatchet over their hospital odor feud.

During an interview with ET, Jen dishes on the recently-filmed RHOSLC reunion special.

While she claims the reunion was “worse than a nine-hour deposition,” some good may have come from it.

When asked about whether there is any hope of her repairing her friendship with Mary, Jen hints that it’s a topic that will come up during the reunion and that viewers will have to wait and see how it resolves.

“There’s definitely hope for a future,” Jen teases. “I’ve said that all along, there’s definitely hope for a future. It just depends what Mary said that day, ya know?”

Heather Gay also recently affirmed that Jen and Mary could easily repair their friendship since the two have so much in common.

How the feud between Jen and Mary started

All it took was one comment to blow up the divas’ friendship.

According to Jen, Mary told her she “smells like hospital” during a dinner. Jen took offense to that because, even though her aunt had been in the hospital getting her legs amputated, she hadn’t been to the hospital that day. She felt Mary made the comment just to hurt her.

Mary has a different version of the story. Mary claimed that she didn’t say Jen smelt like hospital but that “it smells like hospital” in the room. Mary defended herself by pointing out that the smell of hospitals is a big trigger for her since she almost died during surgery.

This one dispute has divided the group and caused fights throughout the entire season.

Jen has addressed reconciling in the past.

Jen has previously expressed that she would be willing to move past her grudge with Mary so long as Mary is willing to apologize.

“I just want her to apologize and say sorry,” Jen told Page Six. “I’m very easy. Like, I know people make mistakes, even though that mistake was like … that’s just like you’re not a nice person. But, hey, let’s just apologize and mean it, be genuine and then let’s just move on. We can do that. That’s literally all I want from her to move forward.”

The odds of an apology didn’t initially seem very likely. During an episode of WWHL, Mary expressed that she didn’t regret making the comments about it smelling “like hospital” around Jen.

However, Mary may have had a change of heart and apologized during the reunion.

Viewers will just have to wait until the reunion airs to find out.

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on Bravo.

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