
Seeking Sister Wife: Ashley Snowden reveals she recently suffered a miscarriage

Ashley Snowden of Seeking Sister Wife
Ashley Snowden revealed on Mother’s Day that she suffered a miscarriage. Pic credit: TLC

Ashley Snowden of Seeking Sister Wife shared a Mother’s Day post over the weekend, specifically aimed at mothers who have suffered loss, and revealed that she suffered a miscarriage herself.

Ashley wanted to send a message to her 88.4k followers that “Motherhood is a beautiful initiation. But it can be one of the most painful to endure.”

Ashley’s post was aimed at mothers who have suffered

She shared a picture of flowers, hanging upside down over water with a rippled reflection, Ashley captioned her post, “To the Mothers, all the mothers, and especially the mothers who have known great loss. To those who wanted to be mothers, but never got the chance due to physical issues or forlorn relating.”

“To the mothers who miscarried or experienced stillbirth. To the mothers who have experienced the death of their once living children. To the mothers who were “done mothering” only to be tasked with mothering another’s children. To the mothers who’s children were taken in custody battles. To the mothers of kidnapped children.”

“To the mothers of children they gave up in adoption. To the mothers who may have incarcerated children. To the mother’s incarcerated. To the mothers who have children who don’t want to have a relationship with them. To the mothers who can’t bring themselves to face their children.”

“To all the mothers and and their children lost during the pandemic. TO ALL THE MOTHERS. Motherhood is a beautiful initiation. But it can be one of the most painful to endure. This Mother’s Day, I honor every aspect of motherhood.”

Ashley revealed that she ‘recently had to sit in the pain of miscarriage’

“I’ve known great loss in my life, but losing a child under any circumstance certainly impacts the subtle body on multiple levels. I’ve recently had to sit in the pain of miscarriage, so I offer this message today: Be kind always, and especially, because you never know a mother’s story.”

“Be slow to judge and quick to love, because many mothers are carrying not only their own pain, but the pain of every mother down their lineage. Until we can heal that pain, until that pain can be transmuted, reflect back love to every potential mother’s path you may cross. Reflect love. Happy Mother’s Day to ALL THE MOTHERS. ?”

Ashley has made headlines recently for other serious reasons

The 38-year-old mother of three has come under fire recently after reports surfaced that one of her and her husband, Dimitri’s potential sister wives, Christeline Petersen, filed for restraining orders against the couple, citing domestic abuse.

In January, Christeline filed for the orders of protection, alleging that Dimitri banged her head into a headboard, verbally abused her, and choked her during sex. Her other filing alleged that Ashley was verbally abusive and prevented her from leaving the home they shared.

Both orders of protection were dissolved after a judge couldn’t verify Christeline’s role within the relationship, as none of those involved in the relationship were legally married.

During Dimitri and Ashley’s day in court versus Christeline, Ashley shared a post of her kids asleep in the courtroom and alleged that her family had “faced egregious attempts at defamation.”

Did Ashley hint at her miscarriage earlier this month?

Ashley shared a post earlier this month in which she said she was “experiencing hardships,” when she warded off a troll who told her that her home life “is a mess.”

She may have been alluding to the fact that she recently suffered a miscarriage, but it’s also possible that she was tiptoeing around the abuse scandal.

Everyone except Dimitri has spoken out about the alleged abuse

Dimitri has been silent on social media amid the abuse scandal, but Ashley has spoken out, telling her followers that she’s “protected.”

Besides Christeline’s claims, three other women who have been romantically involved with the Snowdens have come forward, supporting Christeline’s claims and making claims of their own.

Vanessa Cobbs, who divorced the Snowdens via text message, spoke out indirectly in solidarity with Christeline in a series of quotes.

Tayler Middleton, who is featured on this season of Seeking Sister Wife along with Christeline, was more vocal in her support of Christeline and urged TLC to “throw the whole show away!” after admitting that she knew “too much to be silenced.”

Actress Ariadne Joseph recently came forward and detailed her accounts of abuse at the hands of the Snowdens in several interviews, also claiming that she contacted TLC, only to be ignored.

It seems there is still a lot to be uncovered in the abuse scandal and supporters of the Snowdens’ exes are hoping that the truth comes to the surface sooner rather than later.

Seeking Sister Wife airs on Mondays at 8/7c on TLC.

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