
Seeking Sister Wife: Who are the Snowdens? Everything you need to know

The Snowdens of Seeking Sister Wife
Ashley and Dimitri Snowden of Seeking Sister Wife. Pic credit: TLC

The third season of Seeking Sister Wife aired this week and viewers will once again get to follow the Snowdens, who have returned to the series.

The show seeks to offer an insider view into the life of polygamous relationships and how they navigate adding more wives to their families.

So who are Dimitri and Ashley Snowden and their three kids?

Viewers first met the Snowdens in 2018 during Season 1 of the show. They had been married for nine years and were searching for a second wife to add to their soon-to-be plural family.

At the time, the duo was living in Atlanta, Georgia with their two kids, daughter Nenúfar (Nenú, for short) and son Armonío (whom they affectionately call Nío), with a third child on the way (daughter Canaria).

Dimitri and Ashley chose to live a life of polygamy to enrich their lives, grow their family, and create a “tribe” surrounded by lots of love and support. Uniquely, the Snowdens don’t practice polygamy for religious reasons, though the lifestyle is most popular within the Mormon community.

The first two seasons of Seeking Sister Wife showed audiences the challenges of living a polyamorous lifestyle, including unsupportive family members, trust and intimacy issues, and how rare it is for those who practice polygamy to find a perfect fit in their small circle.

Last season it seemed the Snowdens found their happily ever after

Fans also got to witness what seemed to be a picture-perfect ending when Dimitri and Ashley found their perfect sister wife in Vanessa Cobbs, a single woman in her early 30’s from Seattle.

The show followed the Snowdens’ journey as they courted Vanessa, and captured their eventual wedding at the conclusion of Season 2. Vanessa gave up her life in Seattle to move across the country to live with the Snowdens in Atlanta.

Vanessa paved the way for future wives-to-be when she adhered to the Snowdens’ strict alkaline diet. Dimitri, who works in IT, and Ashley, who runs the family’s business Snowden Botanicals, don’t eat meat, dairy, nor gluten and expect that a sister wife will do the same.

The threesome moved the family to sunny Los Angeles to start their new lives together. The three had a beautiful spiritual wedding ceremony where Dimitri renewed his vows with Ashley and married new wife Vanessa.

The Snowdens finally realized their dream of adding another wife to their family after a lengthy search, and the three of them were seemingly happy on the show’s tell-all.

The Snowdens revealed that Vanessa divorced them after a year of marriage

But, as Dimitri and Ashley revealed this season, Vanessa parted ways with them and their children, via text message. They were obviously heartbroken, but they took time to heal, and have even started dating again.

The family has remained in Los Angeles, and during this season’s opener, viewers saw The Snowdens awaiting the arrival of their latest prospective sister wife, Christeline, who flew from South Africa to meet the couple.

Will the Snowdens find true love again?

Fans are looking forward to furthering episodes this season, as the show teased that Dimitri and Ashley are actually dating two women at the same time. Viewers will have to wait and see if the Snowdens can grow their family once again.

Seeking Sister Wives airs on Mondays at 8/7c on TLC.

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JoJo Sewald
JoJo Sewald
3 years ago

I think that Dimitri and Ashley are doing this “sister wife” thing to be relevant. Dimitri is nothing short of a womanizer and sex addict!