While the rest of the family joined in their weekly live tweet session during Sunday night’s episode of Sister Wives, third wife Christine again chose to opt out. Instead, she posted to Instagram that she was playing a board game with her and Kody’s youngest daughter, Truely.
In the pics, Christine is seated at her kitchen countertop with Truely, looking deep in concentration as the two play the abstract strategy board game, Cathedral. Christine captioned the post, “Playing games on Sunday! Truely has definitely won Cathedral many times!“
This is the fourth week in a row that Christine has been absent from the family live tweets
This is the fourth week in a row that Christine has been absent from the Brown family Twitter sessions. No one has acknowledged Christine’s absence on Twitter, but she continues to post elsewhere on social media as Sister Wives airs.
She recently shared some new outfits, advertising her LuLaRoe business, and even talked about driving around looking at beautiful homes last month. Christine has always seemed to be one of the most outspoken of Kody’s four wives and lately she is proving that point.
On the show, she has repeatedly shot down Kody’s one-house idea and has mentioned moving back to Utah. Fans recently discovered Christine’s recollection of living in one home and for her, Kody’s showering habits were a problem.
Christine has said that living under one roof doesn’t allow her kids’ needs to be met and that she felt like a “basement wife” when the family lived together in Utah. She explained to Robyn in last night’s episode that she never felt like the “Queen Wife” and has often voiced that her autonomy is important to her.
Christine has stated that she always knew she wanted to be a third wife, but since fourth wife Robyn has joined the family, the dynamic has shifted. The family fled Utah out of fear of prosecution after an investigation into the family was underway for polygamy, which was then a felony.
The Browns seemed to have the perfect setup in Las Vegas
Kody moved his four wives and their children to Las Vegas, where the family had what seemed to be the perfect setup. Each wife had their own home, sharing a cul-de-sac, making it easy for Kody to have access to all of his children whenever he chose.
When the family uprooted again and moved to Flagstaff, they scrambled to find temporary rentals until they were ready to build on their property on Coyote Pass. But that plan didn’t go as seamlessly as they hoped, and they have yet to build on the property.
Currently, Robyn and Christine own homes in Flagstaff, with Meri and Janelle both renting. Building on Coyote Pass is a big theme this season that viewers will certainly be looking forward to, along with all of the other ongoing drama.
Sister Wives airs on Sundays at 10/9c on TLC.