
Sister Wives: Meri Brown continues to make vague posts on Instagram, says she doesn’t hate, ‘hate kills’

Meri Brown of Sister Wives
Meri Brown of Sister Wives. Pic credit: TLC

Meri Brown took to Instagram on Tuesday to share another detailed, yet vague post as her strained relationship with Kody Brown plays out on Sister Wives.

She wrote, “I’m often asked how I do it. How I keep going and doing, how I stay positive in tough situations, how I have such drive and determination. Well, don’t be fooled, I have those days when I need to self-care, to take a break, to walk in the mountains and trees, to give myself ‘me’ time.”

“And also, I’m not always a positive ray of sunshine, I spiral with the best of them! But other days, I just love. I serve. I find the joy in little things. I have hope, I send positive energy to people who may not even want it from me. And I don’t hate. Hate kills. It kills the joy in me. It brings all the negative feels and takes away my energy.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I feel all the feels and emotions. I feel grief and sadness and pain and frustration and happiness and passion and confidence and love. If 2020 did anything for me, it was to give me the time and space I needed to wrap my head around things about me, to learn about me and how I interact with people and the world, to look in the mirror, and I mean REALLY look.”

“I embrace and feel all the things, and sometimes they’re not fun. I create boundaries of emotional safety around me. I create boundaries of toxic behaviors around me, and yes that includes blocking people on social media who feel the need to talk trash about me or my family.”

“I have people in my space, whether physical or emotional, who lift me up, who are supportive, who have my back. I allow myself to FEEL. But I don’t HATE. It’s ok to not be happy 100% of the time. It’s ok to feel a little blue, or a lot. It’s ok to go through all the emotions of life, because how would you know what joy felt like if you didn’t know pain?”

“It’s ok if the best thing you do today is to wake up. It’s ok to create the best world for yourself, whatever that looks like for you. It’s ok for you to feel. It’s ok to be you. YOU are ok!! “

Meri Brown of Sister Wives on Instagram
Pic credit: @therealmeribrown/Instagram

Meri’s post comes on the heels of more frequent social media posts on her behalf in the last few weeks. Was the lack of hate she posted in regard to the family patriarch, Kody?

Meri usually isn’t one to divulge all of her private information publicly

She shared another lengthy Instagram post last week, saying she was “struggling, hurting, and frustrated.”

Meri’s husband, Kody, however, doesn’t seem to have an issue with divulging his private information publicly lately. The two contradicted each other when they told the same ET correspondent conflicting accounts of their relationship status.

Kody claimed that he and Meri have been separated for at least four or five years. Meri, on the other hand, chose to tell the reporter that she and Kody are still together and have been since the beginning.

It seems as though ever since Kody has come out more boldly on social media and TV with his opinions, that his wives, namely Meri, are following suit. Kody has made it no secret that he’s struggling with plural marriage, and hasn’t hidden the fact that he and Meri’s relationship has been on the rocks for years now.

Meri continued her lengthy Instagram post

Meri Brown of Sister Wives on Instagram
Pic credit: @therealmeribrown/Instagram

Meri still hasn’t directly said anything negative about Kody, but she has hinted strongly that they’re not in a good place. During the family’s Sunday night live-tweet of Sister Wives this past week, Meri boldly called out Kody on his comment about Meri talking to Robyn. In the same post, Meri praised Robyn for her supportive relationship.

“How would you know what joy felt like if you didn’t know pain?”

Meri Brown of Sister Wives on Instagram
Pic credit: @therealmeribrown/Instagram

Meri also called out Kody on Twitter for his statement about the pond and his concerns, which she claims she had no prior knowledge. She also replied to a fan asking if the show was scripted, saying it never has been, and in the process, not denying her relationship with Kody has fallen apart.

In this week’s episode of Sister Wives, Meri’s indecision about her lot at Coyote Pass became a huge storyline. It doesn’t seem like it would be an easy process to have four wives and one husband agree on building separate homes on a shared lot and the polygamist quintet is proving just that.

Since the family left Las Vegas and moved to Flagstaff, tensions have grown and the family has continually grown apart. The plural family has lived under four separate roofs, with Kody alternating wives’ houses, living as four independent, monogamous married couples.

Meri’s husband, Kody, hinted at “big plans” at Coyote Pass

Kody Brown of Sister Wives on Twitter
Kody says the family has “big plans” regarding Coyote Pass. Pic credit: @realkodybrown/Twitter

Some fans speculate that Kody’s intention is to be with fourth wife, Robyn exclusively. And still more fans believe that it was Robyn’s intent all along to be Kody’s only wife.

Viewers will be tuning in this season to see what “big plans” unfold at Coyote Pass, what will happen with Meri and Kody, and if the family will ever live together under one roof again.

Sister Wives airs on Sundays at 10/9c on TLC.

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