A number of Big Brother fans noticed something on the live feeds Tuesday night that alarmed them and they are posting a lot about it on social media.
At roughly 6:06 p.m. PT on camera 4 of the Big Brother live feeds, the BB23 cast can be seen milling around the kitchen during a toga party. It was all part of a Taco Tuesday event to also celebrate Kyland Young’s birthday.
Brent Champagne can be seen standing close to Hannah Chaddha in the kitchen, conversing with other people when he allegedly leans over and pats/caresses her butt.
The incident caused quite a storm on social media, with quite a few fans of the show linking to the Big Brother Twitter account and asking for the producers would be doing something about it.
Brent and Hannah are also both members of Team Aces.
Controversy on the Big Brother live feeds
Below is a video clip of the alleged incident that took place on Tuesday, July 12 in the Big Brother house.
Below are some of the comments from people who were not pleased with what they saw happening.

A few other fans were trying to add context to what took place, which included sharing video footage of Hannah giving Brent a high 5 a bit later on the feeds. A video clip of that moment is shared below.
Extended video of the incident from the Big Brother live feeds
And then there were those people who were not keen to believe that nothing had happened just because Hannah didn’t immediately react in a negative manner to Brent touching her. That has also become a topic of debate on social media in the overnight hours.

According to a number of fans, Hannah has previously made comments about Brent in which she insinuated that he was making her uncomfortable in the Big Brother house. Some fans were quick to point that out on Tuesday night.

There is now a debate going on among fans about what was seen on the Big Brother live feeds. It could go on for a while.

The Big Brother summer 2021 season just began last week, and already there has been a lot of controversy coming from the live feeds.
One instance was when Claire Rehfuss told the live feed cameras that Whitney Williams said the Sandy Hook school shooting was faked. Earlier, BB23 cast members had been discussing conspiracy theories
And sticking with the theme of conspiracy theories, Kyland Young said there were only six chips when they were drawing players to participate in the Veto Competition. The led to a number of fans stating that the show is “rigged” this summer.
Then there was Frenchie calling the rest of the BB23 cast “stupid” as he carried out another one of his plans.
It appears that this is going to be a memorable group of houseguests, no matter how the season shakes out.
Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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