
Split House nominations: Who was nominated on Big Brother 24 today?

Jasmine Shocked Face BB24
Jasmine Davis has mastered the shocked look on Big Brother 24. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother Split House twist is underway, and now we know who has been nominated for eviction in Week 7.

Viewers and the houseguests learned during the Thursday night episode that a new twist has begun on Big Brother 24. The house has been split into two groups, leading to two different games getting played.

In the overnight hours, it was revealed which houseguests are in each BB24 group. In total, five people will be in each group.

But only one group gets to live inside of the Big Brother house, while the other group has been relegated to the backyard.

Michael Bruner is in charge of the Big BroChella group, with the other members being Brittany Hoopes, Taylor Hale, Monte Taylor, and Jasmine Davis. They are living inside for the week.

Terrance Higgins is in charge of the Dyre Fest group, which includes Kyle Capener, Alyssa Snider, Matt Turner, and Joseph Abdin. This is the group that has to live in the backyard for a week.

Who got nominated for eviction from Big Brother’s Split House?

Inside the house, Michael nominated Monte and Jasmine. This was his plan all along, and the nominees each knew they were going on the block. Michael told Monte that he is targeting Jasmine, and he also told Jasmine that he is targeting Monte.

In the backyard, Terrance nominated Joseph and Turner. This was a bit of a surprise, but it seems that his move was motivated by what Kyle told him earlier in the day (more on that below).

More news from Big Brother 24

In a shocking game move, Kyle Capener revealed The Leftovers to Alyssa and Terrance. He likely feels that his game is in jeopardy by being separated from many of his alliance members and he might be getting desperate.

And outside of the game, Indy Santos has done her exit interviews, where she spoke about her time in the house and who she is upset with this summer. We will see her again when they start showing BB24 jury footage.

Stay tuned folks, because things are going to get spicy this weekend, as people start to realize that there isn’t much maneuvering to do within a group of just five people. It could all lead to some exciting moments on the Big Brother live feeds.

Big Brother 24 airs Sundays at 8/7c, Wednesdays at 8/7c, and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS.

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