
Stacey Silva with Florian Sukaj in video update after Albanian earthquake

Stacey Silva and Florian Sukaj
Stacey and Floran are back together again. Pic credit: @floriansukaj/Instagram

Stacey Silva and Florian Sukaj are back together despite Belgian model Shanti Zohra’s attempts to come between them.

After weeks of breakup and cheating rumors, Stacey released a video earlier this week where she confirmed that she is in Albania with Florian.

News that they are back together doesn’t come without a bit of sadness though. The reason for Stacey’s post was related to a large 6.4 magnitude earthquake that recently shook Albania.

Stacey took to Instagram to let her fans know that she and Florian did feel the ground shake but that they were together and okay.

Darcey Silva’s twin told her followers, “Hey guys, we just had an earthquake here in Albania but I just wanted to let you know that Florian and I are…”

The video cut off but not before we saw both Stacey and Florian together.

It was just last month that it looked like things were over for Stacey and Florian. As Monsters & Critics reported, Stacey deleted all traces of Florian from Instagram and rumors that he was cheating with Shanti Zohra popped up.

Then, Shanti started putting Stacey and Florian on blast too as she challenged them to prove Stacey’s alleged pregnancy and made claims about cozying up to Florian, complete with a photo of them together “the next day.”

So far, Stacey and Florian have ignored Shanti’s taunts and have not publically discussed whether they had temporarily split or why.

Some 90 Day Fiance fans think that the entire love triangle is just an attention grab and comments from Shanti Zohra do seem to back that up. Especially claims that she recently made that she only went to see Florian in order to check up on him as a favor to Stacey, but ultimately she ended up hooking up with him.

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