
Survivor 50: Boston Rob Mariano is already working on alliances

Boston Rob On Survivor
Rob Mariano has been hinting at a return to the show that made him famous. Pic credit: CBS

Boston Rob Mariano appears ready to play Survivor again.

He’s already won Survivor, he appeared on Deal or No Deal Island, and Rob is now in Scotland to film The Traitors 3.

That’s right, Boston Rob is on the new season of The Traitors. Cirie Fields, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Parvati Shallow, and Stephenie LaGrossa Kendrick were featured on the first two seasons.

While we wait to see how Rob does on this new reality television show in Scotland, he has also been making the rounds for Survivor 50.

Survivor host Jeff Probst teased that the momentous season will feature returning players, possibly having Old School players against the New Era.

No cast information has been released, and no names have been officially attached to the show. But Boston Rob is certainly teasing his involvement.

Boston Rob Mariano seeks Survivor 50 alliances

“I’m stirring it up on social media like I like to do,” Rob recently told Entertainment Weekly.

He referred to a social media post he made with Jonathan Young from Survivor 42.

“Looky Look who is trying to join the @survivorcbs 🏝️#Season50 Pre-Game Alliance!!!,” Rob captioned a photo with Jonathan.

“@youngstrength shoutout to @starbucks for keeping us cool with the delicious Iced-Coffee!!!🧊,” he added to the photo.

Pre-game alliances are part of the game if legends are invited to play on Survivor 50. There’s not much way to avoid it.

“So slide into the DMs, all you former players, and we’ll let you know whether or not you can get in the alliance or not,” Rob added in his interview with EW.

“Actually, talk to my secretary, Sandra. She’s fielding all the requests,” Rob joked, referencing two-time Survivor winner Sandra Diaz-Twine.

Will Rob turn up on the Survivor 50 cast?

Rob loves joking about his time on Survivor and his interactions with players. He has previously stated that he doesn’t believe in pre-gaming, so maybe he is joking around here.

Will we see Rob Mariano on Survivor 50? He noted what it would take to get him back in Fiji.

“I’ve always said it would take some kind of unique format change to make me go back and compete over there. Something would have to happen, otherwise we’re faced with the same situation where they gang up on me and want to get me out, or keep me around for a little bit, or whatever,” Rob elaborated.

More news from Survivor

The Survivor 47 cast was recently leaked online. The group has reportedly finished filming their season and is ready for the world to see it this fall.

We should see episodes for that season in late September.

The CBS boss teased how Survivor 50 will be a “year-long” celebration. It could mean some exciting content on the network as the season approaches.

And here is The Traitors 3 cast list, which includes four people from Survivor.

Previous seasons of Survivor are streaming on Paramount+. That’s where fans can watch Boston Rob Mariano in his element.

Survivor is on hiatus at CBS.

All episodes of Survivor are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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Mary A Larrimore
Mary A Larrimore
2 days ago

I loved Rob up to Deal or No Deal Island when he tried to break the rules and cheat.