Big Brother 24 winner Taylor Hale took part in a session on Reddit where she answered any question that fans of the show could come up with.
Some of the things that she addressed were where she sees herself being in 10 years, what she would like to see happen with Big Brother 25, and where she stands with Daniel Durston.
It’s also interesting to note that Daniel did a new interview himself, where he spoke about why he doesn’t like “half the cast” now that he is out in the real world.
“WHAT’S UP REDDIT! This is the place I came to learn as much as I could before I got kidnapped for BB24. I can’t wait to dive in and chat with you all now. AMA!” Taylor posted on Reddit to begin her thread.
Following that post, quite a few Big Brother fans responded with questions they hoped she would answer, leading to many interesting responses.
Taylor also referenced Reddit as a place where she did a lot of her research before attempting to play the game.
Taylor gets asked if she will be watching the BB25 cast
One Reddit user asked Taylor if she plans to watch Big Brother 25 and what she wants to see from that new season.
“Less game show, more social game. The games are fun and people work so hard to put them together, but to understand the dynamics you have to see people who are not making the flashiest moves or dominating with the most earned power (comp wins),” Taylor wrote in response.

Taylor has some interesting 10-year goals
Another Reddit user asked Taylor where she sees herself in 10 years.
Taylor noted that she wants to be a “multimillionaire, multimedia entertainment journalist” by that time and that she will also be happy, married, and have at least one kid.

What’s up with Taylor and Daniel?
During the Summer 2022 season, a dramatic moment happened when Daniel went into the bathroom and verbally went after Taylor. It was discussed a lot by fans on social media, and it became the moment that spelled out the end of Daniel’s time in the house.
It seems that while Taylor may have forgiven Daniel for what he did, she isn’t ready to forget it.

And in other news regarding the Big Brother 24 cast, Matt Turner has named who he wants at his wedding. He recently became engaged after leaving the house.
Big Brother 24 is available for streaming on Paramount+.
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