Big Brother 22 is nearing its finale night. On Wednesday night, either Nicole Franzel, Cody Calfiore, or Enzo Palumbo will be crowned the winner and walk away with $500,000.
The All-Stars season occurred later in the year than it usually does. The pandemic caused CBS to delay production. In order to avoid a large casting process, Big Brother invited All-Stars to compete.
The contestants ranged from older seasons like Big Brother 6 all the way to the most recent season, Big Brother 21.
This isn’t the first All-Stars season. Big Brother 7 had the most iconic contestants from the prior six seasons. Mike “Boogie” Malin ended up winning it all.
No matter who ends up winning Big Brother each season, the biggest takeaways are always the massive power moves.
Here’s a list of the biggest moves in all of Big Brother history.
1. Dan’s funeral

Most dedicated fans will agree that Dan’s Funeral was the best power move of all times. Big Brother 10 winner Dan Gheesling became a big target when he reappeared on Big Brother 14.
Dan was the intended target, and all of the houseguests (including Dan) knew he was going to be evicted that week.
During the Power of Veto meeting, Dan hosted his own funeral. He left sweet messages to all of the houseguests except for his closest ally, Danielle Murphee, who he insinuated betrayed him in a way that was unforgivable.
Of course, this was untrue, but it created enough drama to get him taken off the block and send his ally Shane Meaney packing.
After his successful funeral, he managed to land second place.
2. Nakomis’ six finger plan: the first-ever backdoor

One of the most famous Big Brother moves, the backdoor, didn’t exist until Season 5.
Nakomis Dedmon titled it the Six Finger Plan at the time when she came up with it.
Season 5 was the first season that only six people were allowed to participate in each veto competition. The HOH and two nominees would each choose one contestant, and all six of them would compete for the veto.
Nakomis decided that if she nominated two people that she didn’t want gone, or pawns, her intended target wouldn’t be guaranteed a spot in the Power of Veto competition and wouldn’t be able to save himself.
She used this tactic to evict Jase Wirey in the first-ever “backdoor.”
3. Derrick covers up his career

Derrick Levasseur is one of the greatest Big Brother contestants of all time.
His career as an undercover cop gave him a big advantage in the game, and he didn’t want his fellow houseguests to target him for it.
He decided to lie about his career and claimed that he was a Parks and Recreation worker.
While his fellow contestant Donny Thompson was falsely accused of being a cop and eliminated for it, Derrick managed to make it all the way to the end and win the $500,000.
4. America’s player

One of the most amusing twists and best-kept Big Brother secrets was America’s Player.
America chose Eric Stein to be America’s Player. Each week, America voted on a challenge for Eric to complete without any of the other houseguests noticing.
For every five tasks he successfully completed, he won $10,000.
The challenges made it a riskier game for him, but he still managed to deliver. He even successfully completed his last task of getting the jury to vote for Evel Dick as the winner over his daughter Dani Donato.
5. Twin twists

Big Brother surprised houseguests with not one, but two twin twists.
The first twin twist happened on Big Brother 5. Adria Montgomery-Klein and Natalie Montgomery-Carroll had to play as one player by switching in and out of the house without any of the other houseguests knowing.
After four weeks, Natalie was allowed to enter the house and compete as an individual.
The twin twist was revived during Big Brother 17.
Liz and Julia Nolan played as one player until they successfully made it through five evictions. Julia then entered the house as an individual.
Liz and Julia were more successful than Adria and Natalie considering that Liz made it to finale night. Ultimately, she came in second to Steve Moses.
6. Dr. Will’s veto speech

“Dr.” Will Kirby was known as one of the greatest players of all time because of his many well-played moves.
However, one move stands out from the rest. Will was a big threat when he returned for Big Brother 7.
When he lost the Power of Veto and was faced with the threat of eviction, he gave one last plea speech claiming that he would throw every competition for the rest of the season.
It’s unclear whether this speaks to the genius of Will, the foolishness of the remaining houseguests or both, but his speech was successful and he stayed until the final four.
7. Level Six convinces Kaitlyn to evict own alliance member

There is no denying that the alliance Level Six had what it took to make it to the end.
Even if they didn’t, they were able to manipulate houseguests from the opposing alliance to do their bidding.
When Kaitlyn Herman won HOH, Level Six member Tyler Crispen managed to convince Kaitlyn to backdoor her own alliance member, Swaggy C, who was completely blindsided by the decision.
8. Jeff’s coup d’etat

Jeff Schroeder was one of the most beloved contestants, and his popularity ended up paying off.
America granted him a new power called the coup d’etat in Big Brother 11. He was able to take down the HOH’s nominee and name his own replacements.
He removed Lydia Tavera and Russell Kairouz and replaced them with Natalie Martinez and Jessie Godderz.
Veteran Jessie wasn’t the only one that left the house that week. The HOH Chima Simone ended up losing her cool after her nominations were derailed, broke household rules in objection, and ended up being expelled from the house.
9. Paul convinces houseguests to throw HOH

Paul Abrahamian proudly wore the title of “puppet master” during his two seasons on Big Brother.
During his second season, Big Brother 19, he even convinced nearly all of the houseguests competing to throw an HOH competition by convincing them he would go make sure their targets were taken care of.
Because this bears repeating, he convinced the houseguest to throw a running competition to Christmas Abbott who, at the time, was wearing a boot due to a broken foot.
10. Frankie wins battle of the block

The house was shook when Big Brother 16 contestant Frankie Grande revealed he was pop star Ariana Grande’s brother.
After his secret came out, he quickly became a target and his alliance turned on him.
Big Brother 16 featured the Battle of the Block twist in which two sets of nominees had to compete to stay off the block.
However, the nominee he was paired with, Caleb Reynolds, agreed to throw the competition so that Frankie would end up on the block.
Frankie was forced to compete against Donny Thompson and Zach Rance all by himself and still managed to win, saving himself from the block.
The Big Brother 22 finale airs on Wednesday, October 28 on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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