
The Challenge: All Stars cast member tells castmate ‘stop with the lies’ after drama this past season

the challenge all stars cast members in episode 1 of season
The Challenge: All Stars cast members outdoors as TJ Lavin introduces them to the season Pic credit: Paramount+

Recent comments arrived from one of The Challenge: All Stars cast members in which they called out a castmate following drama they had from the recent spinoff season, and even before that.

The first season of the All Stars spinoff featured fun times and most of the castmates seemed to get along. However, the series didn’t come without a few feuds that carried over after filming was done and the episodes arrived.

In recent comments about the past season, one OG cast member told her castmate to “stop with the lies” which prompted that castmate, and other All Stars, to reply.

All Stars castmates had argument in early episode

Several feuds were in the spotlight for The Challenge: All Stars season, with a lot of focus on Jisela Delgado and Aneesa Ferreira’s friendship becoming broken. While that feud, along with Jisela’s issues towards Kendal Sheppard were addressed, Aneesa and Kendal weren’t present for the reunion to speak about things.

Neither was Ruthie Alcaide, who was also part of an argument with Aneesa during the season.

That one featured Ruthie walking outside of the house as Aneesa told castmates that Ruthie “plays this game paranoid every single time.”

After asking Aneesa what she was talking about, Ruthie started cursing at her, saying, “Go f**k yourself,” among other choice words.

She also said, “you know what you did” to Aneesa, likely referring to their Challenge issues from years ago.

In his confessional interview during the argument scene, castmate Yes Duffy said he was “worried” about Ruthie blowing up relationships with “anxiety-based behavior” and “fear-based behavior.” Outside the All Stars house, Aneesa told her nearby castmates that “it’s just a projection” for Ruthie and she’d be over it by the next day.

In her confessional interview, Ruthie talked about a “constant thing” where Aneesa pretended Ruthie wasn’t part of conversations with their All Stars castmates. Flashback footage also revealed why Ruthie didn’t really trust Aneesa based on their history from The Duel II season.

There was never any other mention made of Ruthie and Aneesa’s All Stars issues after that particular argument was shown in the episode. It seemed like a minor bit of drama that was smoothed over, based on comments from Ruthie after the show saying they talked about it at a hotel after filming ended.

Ruthie reacted to clip, replied to castmate’s since-deleted comment

The above video clip brought Ruthie into the comments to speak more about the situation, tagging Yes about it, and even calling out her castmate Aneesa.

“@yesoneverything If you knew you would understand why this happened ? 20 years in the making and a friendship outside of The Challenge,” Ruthie said in a comment on the @thechallengeshaderoom post.

ruthie alcaide reacts to challenge all stars ig video clip
Pic credit: @thechallengeshaderoom/Instagram

It seemed that Aneesa replied to something Ruthie said on the above Instagram post, but has since deleted her comment as Ruthie tagged her in a reply (below).

“Again stop with the lies. You do the same thing as usual,” Ruthie started her reply to Aneesa and mentioned allegedly unaired incidents that happened during the All Stars filming.

Ruthie basically said she was trying to get away from Aneesa’s “negative energy” and that Aneesa “aggressively followed her” into other rooms when she was trying to get away from her. She even mentions that Aneesa “threatened” to “ruin” her in interviews.

“It’s on camera Aneesa. You can’t erase it and Karma will tell And stop lying about not f*g people over. You’ve done it and there is proof,” Ruthie added.

Ruthie went on to elaborate about how she was over what happened 12 years ago, but she wanted to bring it up to give others context about why Aneesa “can’t be trusted.”

“We talked at the hotel and you also lied again about us. Make sure you get your facts right, you’re a liar,” Ruthie said.

ruthie alcaide replies to aneesa ferreira on instagram post of all stars clip
Pic credit: @thechallengeshaderoom/Instagram

Castmates respond about Aneesa and Ruthie drama

The @jaychallenge._ Instagram story included a screenshot (below) showing that Aneesa had in fact entered the comments, telling Ruthie, “now this is just silly” with several facepalm emojis.

However, that comment, and others Aneesa may have left, appear to have been deleted from the original @thechallengeshaderoom Instagram post (above), as of this report.

Beth Stolarczyk also weighed in, showing support for “Team Ruthie” and telling her, “Keep speaking your truth!”

Beth went on to indicate that Aneesa has tried to silence her too and suggested that she’s “done MANY things to hurt other people.”

ruthie alcaide comments instagram with aneesa beth replies
Pic credit: @jaychallenge._/Instagram Story

Jisela Delgado, also left a comment on the @thechallengeshaderoom post, encouraging Ruthie to keep speaking the “truth” and not allow anyone to “gaslight” her.

jisela delgado of the challenge all stars comments on ruthie alcaide reaction to ig post
Pic credit: @thechallengeshaderoom/Instagram

As mentioned, Aneesa was not present for The Challenge: All Stars reunion, due to being away for MTV’s Season 37 filming in Croatia. However, she has been covering All Stars episodes on the Official Challenge Podcast she co-hosts with Tori Deal. That recently included her speaking about her drama involving Jisela ahead of the All Stars final.

Aneesa also appeared on the All Stars Aftermath show on Paramount Plus after the episode with her and Ruthie’s drama was released. During the Aftermath episode, she commented more about the drama with Ruthie.

In her comments, she brought up Ruthie being “paranoid” again. Aneesa also said of the All Stars incident that she slept just fine after it and joked that her castmate Ruthie “still hadn’t apologized” for how she acted towards her.

The Challenge: All Stars episodes are currently available on Paramount Plus. The Challenge Season 37 premiere date is TBA for 2021 on MTV.

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