
The Challenge: USA, Episode 6 recap: Survivor feud emerges ahead of The Arena elimination

survivor star ben driebergen in the challenge usa
The Challenge: USA, Episode 6 had Survivor stars at odds after recent events shook up their alliance. Pic credit: MTV’s The Challenge/YouTube

Episode 6 opened at The Arena with host TJ Lavin and The Algorithm revealing new teams. Tyson Apostol was teamed up with Kyra Green, while Ben Driebergen got teamed with Sarah Lacina.

Other teams included David Alexander with Desi Williams, Leo Temory with Cayla Platt, Danny McCray with Alyssa Lopez, Derek Xiao with Shannon St. Clair, and Kyland Young with Cashay Proudfoot. Enzo Palumbo got teamed with Justine Ndiba.

Angela Rummans got Domenick Abbate as his teammate for the second time. TJ reminded them they wouldn’t get the same partner again until it was mathematically impossible, which was now.

At the house, Sarah and Ben weren’t happy that Tyson sent Sarah and Leo into the Episode 5 elimination. Tyson was speaking with other castmates about people being upset over a game move, saying he’d be fine if someone did it to him.

Cashay talked to Sarah about what she and Tyson did in Episode 5. Cash said Tyson told her Sarah gets close to people and then takes them out. Sarah felt Tyson was using Cash as his pawn.

Later, David said in a confessional that he got ousted on the first day during his Big Brother season, so now he’s playing a low-key game on The Challenge. He talked to Enzo about them winning to stay alive in the game.

Episode 6 daily challenge is Containment

In a confessional interview, Kyra admitted she got very sick the night before the daily challenge, so she wasn’t feeling her best physically. Their daily challenge involved four 40-foot containers hanging 25 feet off the water with an obstacle course they had to go through to count symbols and get keys.

Teammates had to swim to ladders on either side of the course and climb up to the containers. They’d count symbols while navigating the course featuring rope ladders, nets, and a rope to swing to a platform.

The teams grabbed keys from the top of the container, jumped down into the water, and swam to shore to solve math equations based on the symbols they counted. If they were wrong, they had to go back in the water and back up to the course to try again.

The team to do it correctly the quickest would be the daily challenge winners and get $5,000 each in their bank accounts. The losing team was going straight to elimination.

Sarah and Ben were out for blood but messed up when trying to count symbols, so they had to go back from their puzzle board into the water. That cost them the win. Angela and Dom had a strong run in the event. Other teams that solved it included Cashay and Kyland and Derek with Shannon.

Kyra struggled when she and Tyson Apostol went, as she fell into the water while trying to swing to a platform. She couldn’t go up again, so it was a DQ. However, Enzo also had issues swimming on a rope and didn’t even attempt it, so he and Justine also DQ’d.

After the event, TJ revealed that Enzo and Justine were the losing team because they didn’t even try the challenge. The winning team was Desi and David, beating Alyssa with Danny and Angela with Dom.

Desi and David qualified for the final with the win as they each banked $5,000 for the victory.

Who went home from The Arena in Episode 6?

Desi and David met with the losing team to see who they wanted to face. Enzo and Justine suggested they could do what they wanted, and he’d go to war with whoever they put in.

Desi suggested they put in Shannon and Derek. They also mentioned Kyland and Cash as well as Tyson and Kyra Green as options. Kyra was still sick, making her look weak and a potential person to send in. Shannon also had a hamstring injury during the daily event and revealed it out loud as they were competing.

At The Arena, Desi and David chose to send in Derek and Shannon against Enzo and Justine. They indicated Shannon was hurt, so it made sense to send them in. Alyssa said in her confessional that David’s move wasn’t all that strategic, as he was going after a Big Brother player that had his back.

TJ revealed an elimination event featuring two platforms with 120 tires. The teams had to transfer all 60 tires to their platform as quickly as possible. The team to do it fastest won and split the money from their opponents’ bank accounts. The losers went home.

The two teams were ready to go, but TJ stopped them because he had more to add to the event. He revealed the game was called Spelling Eeb. Players had to spell a couple of words backward. If a team got a word wrong, they received five tires from their opponent’s stack.

Derek and Enzo spelled their words right. Justine spelled “cynical” wrong backward, while Shannon got “goggles” right. That added five tires to Justine and Enzo’s stack before they started.

The race was super close, and it looked like Derek and Shannon were going to win, but one of their tire stacks fell over, costing them. Enzo and Justine kept going and ultimately pulled off the big win. That gave them all of Derek and Shannon’s bank money to split.

The episode closed as TJ revealed The Algorithm to choose the next episode’s teams.

The Challenge: USA airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on CBS.

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