
Tucker reveals why he wanted to be on the block so much and sees his goodbye messages from Big Brother 26

Tucker Des Lauriers on BB 26.
Big Brother 26 got chaotic thanks to Tucker Des Lauriers. Pic credit: CBS

An extended exit interview between host Julie Chen Moonves and Tucker Des Lauriers was released.

During this extended time, Tucker spoke about why he often wanted to be on the block.

Tucker also got to see his goodbye messages from the rest of the BB26 cast.

He finished the season in 11th place after making things exciting for CBS viewers and Live Feeds subscribers.

But he volunteered to go on the block one too many times, giving his opposition a chance to take him out after a rough AI Arena Challenge.

Some fans still feel Tucker threw that final challenge (due to how badly he performed), but Tucker says he made a mistake with his strategy.

Tucker speaks with Julie and sees his BB26 goodbye messages

“Trying to build that resume. I was for sure thinking I could make it to the end,” Tucker answered when Julie asked him why he volunteered three times to be on the block.

Julie also noted how uncomfortable he was answering questions in his punishment costume, and he stated he had no regrets about giving T’Kor Clottey the $5,000 prize.

Tucker spoke about enjoying the experience, and he was very excited about winning the $20,000 prize for being the Instigator.

Many fans have also noted they plan to vote for him as America’s Favorite Houseguest. That vote goes live during the last week of BB26.

Tucker also addressed what surprised him about the game and admits when he started falling in love with Rubina Bernabe.

Below is a video of that extended Tucker and Julie interview, where he gets to react to the goodbye messages from everyone left in the house. He also speaks about being ready to play more games.

Big Brother 26 begins its post-Tucker era

Here are spoilers from the BB26 Live Feeds. A new Head of Household is in charge after Tucker was sent home and the new nominations were revealed.

Makensy was shown blaming other houseguests for where her Big Brother game stands. The Live Feeds even showed Makensy calling a player a “rat” for ruining her game.

Will Makensy’s fortunes change with one of the biggest threats eliminated from the game? Only time will tell, but her abilities in challenges might make her a formidable houseguest moving forward.

Julie also spoke about the biggest remaining BB26 threats. Without Tucker in the house, a chance has been presented for other players to step up. Who will step up, and who will remain a floater? Stay tuned!

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

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