Who are Nichelle Gainey and Areca Whatmore on Below Deck Med?! Crew slam charter guests after food drama

Nichelle Gainey and Areca on Below Deck Mediterranean
Lead charter guest Nichelle, right, and, left, fellow guest Areca, on Below Deck Mediterranean

Bravo’s third season of Below Deck Mediterranean got off to a drama-filled start, with the female guests demanding to know why their “slop” pasta dinner was served to them in — gasp — bowls!

Very vocal and shocked guests Nichelle Gainey and Areca Whatmore were especially astounded with their dinner fare, schooling chef Adam, “Dogs eat in bowls!”

Looks like there’s rough waters ahead with these two, so let’s not waste any time getting to know theses demanding guests with the discriminating palates a bit better.

Lead guest Nichelle Gainey is an accomplished business professional in the sports industry. She’s the President of SilverStone International, and her impressive resume reveals that she was the youngest woman selected to the prominent 2010 FIFA World Cup Planning Committee.

Her appointment came in 2006, and the talented lady was crucial in coordinating American participation. She also oversaw the logistical/IT side of things for new stadiums built for FIFA’s 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

Nichelle runs business offices in New York and Alabama and she’s active on several industry fronts, including NASCAR and the Tobeka Madiba Zuma Foundation created by the wife of the president of the Republic of South Africa, Jacob Zuma.

Silverstone International says it “provides reliable, high quality, specialized corporate sports management and marketing consulting services” with an “exclusive database of corporations, organizations, individuals and communities”.

It says that allows it to offer “custom-tailored services to a wide variety of non-profit organizations, universities, corporations and governmental agencies”.

According to Nichelle’s bio she was ranked as one the “Top 40 Under 40” in 2006 according to the Birmingham Business Journal, and is described as a “Military Brat” who was raised in Europe and speaks German.

It says she “has an 18-year background in sports management, marketing and consulting”, adding: “Her global business connections include leaders in sports organizations and professional athletics, government, corporations, educational institutions, and global communities”.

We don’t know as much about Areca Whatmore, the fiery, outspoken redhead, but we do know that she prefers grilled cheese sandwiches to the inferior fare that Adam is serving up.

Chief Stew Hannah Ferrier had plenty to say about the guests during the season premiere, including the obvious — that they “take high maintenance to the next level”.

She added: “These guests really show that money can not buy you class or manners. I was incredibly disappointed that people still treat other people like this.”

To be fair, it’s early in the season, as was noted by fellow crew member Colin Macy-O’Toole.

I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to see how the rest of the guests conduct themselves; and will outspoken Adam be able to hold it together if the criticism continues like this?

The new season of Below Deck Mediterranean includes a whole host of new crew members, with only Hannah, chef Adam Glick and Captain Sandy Yawn returning from last season. The new crew members on board superyacht The Talisman Maiton are Kasey Cohen, Conrad Empson, Joao Franco, Jamie Jason, Brooke Laughton, and Colin Macy-O’Toole.

Below Deck Mediterranean airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Bravo.

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3 years ago

Typical Atlanta Snobs!!! They should be so embarrassed!

2 years ago

I couldn’t believe how low class and rude these women were.. disgusting people

Emma Hartnett
Emma Hartnett
1 year ago

if i had a face like Aereca, i would be angry too

1 year ago

Wow these bi*ches were total trash.

7 months ago

In watching several seasons of this show, I do not recall seeing an uglier woman than Areca.