
Who is new sous chef Alesia on Below Deck Down Under?

Alesia Harris on Below Deck Down Under
Alessia is the newest Below Deck Down Under Season 3 crew member. Pic credit: Bravo

There’s a new crew member on Below Deck Down Under Season 3, and she’s already turning heads.

Alesia Harris joined the Katina crew after Sous Chef Anthony Bird was sent packing by Captain Jason Chambers.

There was no love lost between Anthony and Chef Tzarina Mace-Ralph leading Anthony to accept a job less than two charters into the season.

Now, Alesia has been thrown into the galley with Tzarina, and we can’t wait to see how they mesh.

Below Deck Down Under viewers got a brief intro to Alesia on last week’s episode, including how she handled Deckhand Johnny Arvanitis trying to kiss on her first night meeting the crew.

So, what else should Below Deck Down Under fans know about Alesia?

Meet Sous Chef Alesia Harris on Below Deck Down Under

The blonde beauty hails from London and has two years of yachting experience under her belt. Alesia started as a deck/stew and crew chef.

Unlike Anthony, Alesia knows she has a lot to learn in the galley and can admit she’s green. The 25-year-old is ready to learn as well as do the grunt work that Anthony was not here to do.

According to her Bravo bio, Alesia considers her special skill her charm, and she’s going to need it with this crew. Another quality Alesia lives by is winging it, which she plans to do in her new job.

As Monsters and Critics previously reported, Below Deck Down Under spoilers reveal Alesia not only gels with Tzarina, but she also has the best response to Johnny owning his actions over the kiss.

Yachting isn’t the only thing that interests Alesia. She also loves to ski and considers herself a ski bunny of sorts.

What can Below Deck Down Under fans expect from Alesia?

Season 3 of Below Deck Down Under is almost at the halfway point, which means so much drama is still left to play out. Alesia seems to be a good fit, but Below Deck fans know that it can tend to be a tease.

Let’s be honest. Tzarina has her issues in the galley, and Alesia will no doubt be pulled into the impending feud between Tzarina and Chief Stew Lara Rigby.

On a personal front, Johnny seems to have set his sights on Alesia. Although he definitely moved too quickly, they did have a connection, and we aren’t ruling out another boatmace.

Tune in to learn more about Alesia and what she brings to the Katina crew.

Below Deck Down Under airs Mondays at 8/7c on Bravo.

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