The first Big Brother 24 Nomination Ceremony took place on Friday, leading to two people being on the block and nominated for eviction.
Daniel Durston became the first Head of Household of the summer during the first episode of Big Brother 24. It gave him the power to nominate two people for eviction.
Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli became the Backstage Boss on the premiere, giving him safety for the week. It meant that Daniel couldn’t even consider putting Pooch on the block.
Pooch then granted safety from being nominated to Brittany Hoopes, Alyssa Snider, and Paloma Aguilar. While the three ladies are still at risk of going home at the upcoming Eviction Ceremony, they could not be nominated.
Regarding the ladies being at risk, host Julie Chen Moonves stated that a huge twist is coming at the first BB24 Eviction Ceremony.
Who did Daniel nominate for eviction on Big Brother 24?
Daniel took the easy route, nominating Michael Bruner and Terrance Higgins for eviction on Friday afternoon. Michael and Terrance have been on the outside of a lot happening in the house, making them very easy targets during Week 1.
There are already some key alliances within the BB24 cast that are starting to gain power, but only time will tell whether or not they can retain that power all summer.
Michael and Terrance will get to play for their safety at the Veto Competition this weekend. If either one wins the Power of Veto, they can step off the block and force Daniel to come up with a replacement nominee.
More news and notes from Big Brother 2022
The Big Brother 2022 episode schedule is now set, with CBS revealing when fans should tune in over the next few weeks. It will be very interesting to see how things shake out and if Daniel has more success than the first HOH from last season. That person was Brandon “Frenchie” French, who went from Week 1 HOH to being evicted in Week 2.
And fans should not forget to take part in the first America’s Vote of the season. The three ladies that Pooch gave Backstage Passes to are at risk, but America can save one of them.
For anyone who may have missed the first episode of BB24, it can be streamed by using Paramount+. That will also be where upcoming episodes will be placed so that fans can go back to them at any point during the Summer 2022 season.
Big Brother 24, Episode 2 airs on Sunday, July 10, at 8/7c on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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