The arrival of The Challenge: All Stars Episode 2 kicked the drama up a notch now that the pleasantries were all out of the way. It included two cast members who were friends from the past getting into a rough argument due to one’s frustration with the game.
The episode also spotlighted another of the All Stars competitors and why they’re amongst former Challenge winners who are still capable of winning years after their debut.
A competitive elimination took place too. That was after TJ Lavin got to put everyone through his all-time favorite challenge in the show’s history and got to laugh at the competitors’ failures along the way.
Early discussions included Trishelle offering an apology
Laterrian Wallace’s elimination victory celebration arrived as the cast got back to the house to start the episode. Trishelle Cannatella and Katie Doyle’s friendship was put in the spotlight, which was much closer years ago in their 20s.
Trishelle mentioned in a confessional they were part of each other’s weddings, and she felt close to Katie. She also felt Katie would have her back in the game years later and mentioned the main reason she returned was to see Katie.
In a separate scene, Trishelle had a private chat outside with Aneesa Ferreira. She apologized to her for saying racially insensitive things to her back on their season together, Rivals II in 2013. Trishelle said she felt terrible about it for years after and wanted to apologize. A teary-eyed Aneesa said she forgave her long ago but accepted her apology now too.
In another scene, Derrick Kosinski went out and spoke with Kendal Sheppard as she was doing yoga. Kendal said she was in a weird headspace about returning for The Challenge, and while the money is nice, she wasn’t sure what she was doing. In a confessional, she mentioned wanting to make her kids proud.
The Challenge daily competition involves TJ’s Trivia
The competitors arrived at the waterfront area with a huge rig holding a platform up 30 feet above the water. TJ told them this was going to be a trivia challenge called Ancient Challenge History.
Competitors received questions about the many seasons of The Challenge. If they got it right, they stayed put. If they got it wrong, they took a step forward. Once they got to a certain spot, the floor beneath them gave out, and they’d drop into the water, losing the mission.
There was a men’s and a women’s heat for the event. The last man standing would win, and receive the Lifesaver. The last woman standing on the platform would win and stay safe from elimination. The first female to fall automatically went into elimination.

For the men, it came down to Nehemiah Clark vs. Teck “Money” Holmes. Teck eventually got an answer incorrect and dropped. Nehemiah got the win and the Lifesaver.
Trishelle missed several questions for the women, including one asking which competitor won the most seasons of The Challenge. She answered Derrick when it was Johnny Bananas. Since Trishelle was the first female competitor to drop, she’d automatically go into elimination.
Later in the women’s heat, Kendal got one incorrect but messed up and hopped away from the area she was supposed to be standing in. She didn’t know where she was supposed to step back to. She just sat down on the platform rather than dropping into the water.
It came down to a trivia battle between Ruthie Alcaide and Aneesa. Ultimately, Aneesa was able to get the win as Ruthie got one wrong, dropping into the water.
Deliberation vote is a clear-cut decision
Ahead of voting, Trishelle spoke with several castmates, including Mark Long. She basically said she’d let everyone hash it out about who she would face. Someone mentioned Kendal’s name since she didn’t officially complete the mission and sat down on the platform.
At deliberation, Jisela Delgado spoke up to say Kendal didn’t go through with the mission like everyone else. Kendal suggested maybe the second female who fell should go into elimination. That was Jisela, so Kendal voted for her. Almost everyone decided to vote for Kendal, so she received the majority of votes.
Back at the house, Derrick went up to Trishelle’s room and informed her that she’d be going against Kendal. Trishelle was irritated that Derrick was the first to tell her rather than her friend Katie.
That led to a blowup between the two friends, which ended up erupting at four in the morning and waking up other cast members. Arissa Hill tried to intervene and calm them down.
Trishelle spoke about being there for Katie and how she “babysat her” for years. Katie told her it was “16 years ago” and to “let it go” instead of bringing it up all these years later. In confessional, Katie was upset that Trishelle was taking her frustration out on her.
Who went home on Episode 2 of All Stars?
At The Arena, there were two large octagon cages set up for Not So Fast. Each competitor was attached to a heavy 200-foot rope. They had to weave their rope in, out, and around the cage. After 20 minutes, they’d switch spots and try to untangle the mess their opponent made. The first to do so would win.
TJ called Trishelle in since she was the first female competitor to lose the daily mission. Nehemiah had a chance to use his Lifesaver to save Kendal. He said it was a tough call, but the house all voted for Kendal, so he wouldn’t use it.

Kendal and Trishelle did their best to create a tangled mess for the other. Cast members cheered them on, and some yelled out tips or ideas to help out. While both ladies gave it their all, former Challenge winner Kendal was able to get her mess untangled first and won the elimination.
Trishelle had to say goodbye. She rushed over to hug Katie before leaving. In a confessional, Katie admitted that they had fun together as friends back in their 20s, but they’re both different people in different places now.
The Challenge: All Stars episodes arrive Thursdays on Paramount+.
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