The answer to who will be on Big Brother 2020 may have already been provided by host Julie Chen Moonves.
But she did it in riddle-form, leading to a lot of debate about what she was getting at in her latest social media post.
This isn’t even the first time that Julie has gone to her Twitter account to tease fans of the show. And some fans are getting worn out.
Previously, Julie posted an image of some keys, referencing past seasons of the show to her followers.
Before that, Julie used the help of Taylor Swift to drop a fun video hinting at the BB22 season.
Now, Julie is following up the CBS announcement of a live move-in with a riddle.
Who will be on Big Brother 2020 cast?
There is already a BB22 cast list posted by TV Guide, but it was never clear if the names are/were correct.
On Friday, Julie Chen posted what appears to be a graphic representation of some of the people in the house this summer. A lot of fans are debating what it all means.
Below is the image that Julie shared, which has different numbers of houses depicted in rows. Do they correlate to how many times each member of the BB22 cast has been in the house prior to this?
There are nine rows and 22 houses. Could the rows represent the number of seasons that BB22 cast members starred in and the houses simply represent the Big Brother 2020 season?
Take a look below and see what you can come up with:

Maybe the houses don’t mean anything at all? It definitely wouldn’t be the first time that someone involved in the show has teased the Twitter audience and not actually meant anything by a social media post.
Big Brother 2020 is almost ready
Soon enough, the Big Brother rumors about possible cast members will come to an end. It might not be until the August 5 season premiere, but that’s really right around the corner now.
For readers who want to take a look at some of the freshest cast rumors, Tyler Crispen from BB20, Queen Janelle Pierzina who played on the first All-Stars season, Nicole Anthony from BB21 all have fresh rumors.
That’s in addition to legend Derrick Levasseur stating that he won’t be playing on Big Brother 2020 because he felt it was more important to stay home with his daughter.
Big Brother 2020 debuts August 5 at 9/8c on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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This is BB22….there are 22 houses