The Big Brother 24 cast played for the Power of Veto on Saturday, which presented the opportunity for someone to shake up the Week 1 nominations.
Back on the season premiere, Daniel Durston became the first Head of Household this summer. Then, early on Friday, he decided to nominate Michael Bruner and Terrance Higgins for eviction.
Going with Michael and Terrance was Daniel’s idea to keep the target off his back in Week 2 because he felt that these two guys were outside the primary alliances. But Daniel then needed the nominations to stay the same.
Daniel wasn’t exactly wrong, as there are two primary BB24 alliances so far, with Michael and Terrance outside of them.
Ameerah Jones, Indy Santos, and Matt Turner were the three additional players selected to play in the Week 1 Veto Competition. The houseguests had a while to think about it before the challenge began on Saturday afternoon. Kyle Capener was the host.
Who won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 24 in Week 1?
Michael Bruner won the Power of Veto. This is a huge accomplishment for him, and it means he can immediately throw a wrench into the plans of the HOH. Daniel has been talking about wanting Michael out first, so this means going back to the drawing board and coming up with a replacement nominee.
A Veto Meeting will likely occur on Monday, where Michael will save himself from the block, and Daniel will have to put someone else up. Even though it is very early to guess, there are signs pointing toward Taylor Hale now being at risk.
What’s to come on the Big Brother 2022 season?
The first America’s Vote for Big Brother 24 is still open, so fans have a bit more time to save Alyssa Snider, Brittany Hoopes, or Paloma Aguilar. That’s the trio of women that Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli put at risk by giving them each a Backstage Pass.
On the Big Brother 24 TV schedule, the second episode of the season airs on Sunday, July 10 at 8/7c. That’s the episode that will focus on what Daniel went through to decide who he was going to nominate for the week.
The Big Brother live feeds are up and running right now, and it is very interesting to see the house full of people again. The 16 brand-new houseguests are still trying to get conformable in their new surroundings, and there is already a lot of paranoia.
That paranoia could continue for a while, especially since a twist is coming to the first Eviction Ceremony. Will someone who is not even on the block be the first member of the BB24 cast to be sent home? Tune in to find out!
Big Brother 24 airs Sundays at 8/7c, Wednesdays at 8/7c, and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS.
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