Why was Pete fried from Below Deck Med? That is the question fans are asking after watching his gross, sexist behavior on the hit Bravo show.
Captain Sandy Yawn came close to giving Peter Hunziker his walking papers on the most recent episode of Below Deck Mediterranean. After Pete said several sexist remarks that crossed the line to Bugsy Drake, she told Malia White. The bosun immediately told Bugsy to inform Captain Sandy of Pete’s actions.
The captain was furious.
Bugsy said she was okay to still work with Pete if his behavior changed.
Captain Sandy blasted Pete in a meeting, threatening to fire him hours before a charter. She didn’t, but Pete was given a stern warning about his behavior. Then Malia demoted him from lead deckhand and Pete apologized to Bugsy.
Pete’s sexist remarks were enough to get him fired from Below Deck Mediterranean. However, that is not the reason Bravo cut ties with him.
Why was Pete fired from Below Deck Mediterranean?
In June, Bravo revealed Pete was fired from Below Deck Med for sharing a racist meme on Instagram.
It was an interesting situation considering all of Season 5 had been filmed. Bravo shared it was working to minimize Pete’s appearance on the hit yachting show. The intention of the network and 51 Minds, the production company behind the show, was to edit him out of the back end episodes.
It is not an easy task to edit a person out of a show immediately. A lot goes into deciding how to edit out Pete, so it looks seamless, not choppy. Plus, Pete’s sexist behavior was clearly going to be a central storyline. Now the show has to come up with a story idea just as intriguing to viewers.
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Remember, fans get riled up when there is terrible behavior like Pete’s. They hate the way he acts but keep tuning in to watch.
Pete is staying silent
Pete has not responded to being fired by Bravo. Before Pete’s racist post, which featured a naked black woman in shackles, got him axed, he tried to explain it as a joke.
The deckhand explained via Twitter that he was not a racist. Pete declared he loved all women and had been sexually active with all races. Although Pete’s social media accounts have been deleted, a fan screengrab shows he did admit he made a mistake with the post and apologized for offending anyone.

There are many reasons Pete could have been fired from Below Deck Med. Surprisingly, he was not let go because of his sexist remarks. After all, Captain Sandy has now had to talk to him twice about his behavior.
Once for calling Malia “sweetie” and “sweetheart. The second time was for the vile way Pete spoke about women to other women.
Fans are in for a wild ride for the remainder of Below Deck Med Season 5. Peter Hunziker being fired is only one small factor of the crazy season that is only halfway through.
Below Deck Mediterranean airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.
Pretty soon if Bravo keeps doing what their doing there won’t be a Bravo! People get sick of the dumb Crap when getting rid of people that said something years ago. If it was such a problem it should have been dealt with when it happened not years later!SMFH