
Steve Harvey protests Family Feud contestant’s answer: ‘I don’t wanna play no more’

steve harvey at NBC Television Studios
Steve wasn’t happy with a contestant’s answer about bald men. Pic credit: ©

Steve Harvey didn’t hold back during an episode of Family Feud.

The 68-year-old game show host recently asked a survey question he could personally identify with.

The moment took place during a Family Feud round when the Ibidapo family faced off against the Bearden family.

One of the rounds during their game kicked off with a survey question, and the top seven answers were displayed on the board.

Steve asked the two opposing contestants, Michael from the Ibidapos and Robin from the Beardens, to “Name something a bald guy does to look more attractive.”

Michael’s answer, “Shine his head,” received nine points, while Robin’s answer, “Flex his muscles,” only earned six points.

With Michael’s answer, the Ibidapos gained control of the board, and they decided to play rather than pass.

Steve tells a contestant they ‘don’t know what they’re talking about’

Steve waltzed over to the Ibidapo family’s podium to go down the line, and when he got to Michael’s teammate, Morenike, her answer didn’t exactly sit well with Steve.

“He wears a hat,” was Morenike’s answer.

Steve immediately questioned the response, even though it happened to be the number-one answer with 26 responses.

Steve made a less-than-impressed facial expression as he looked back at Morenike, who celebrated her answer.

“I’m not wearin’ no damn hat,” Steve exclaimed. “Y’all don’t even know what y’all talkin’ about.”

Steve continued his rant, adding, “I don’t like that answer. I really don’t.”

“I don’t wanna play no more,” Steve declared as he waved his arm to the side.

Steve’s clip was shared on YouTube in a video captioned, “7 things a bald guy does to look more attractive. Steve teaches Falilah a Harvey family secret!”

The second half of the caption refers to a moment when Morenike’s teammate, Falilah, sparked a discussion about Steve’s childhood and his appearance.

Steve’s mom told him he wouldn’t be ‘attractive’ when he grew up

Falilah’s answer was, “Make sure he is well dressed.”

“Like you, Steve!” Faililah told the Family Feud host.

That’s when Steve shared a story from his childhood.

“My mama told me that a long time ago. She said, ‘Son, you’re not gonna be attractive when you grow up,'” Steve shared.

Steve told the crowd that his mother was just being honest with him, adding, “We don’t have attractive men in this family.”

“She said, ‘Go in there and look at your daddy,'” Steve joked.

Steve admitted he walked into the other room and thought to himself, “Damn.”

Steve added that his mom taught him that every woman loves a well-dressed man.

His advice was, “Dress up, learn how to treat a woman kind, [and] you can get a good girl.”

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