
The Challenge War of the Worlds 2 trivia questions: Answers for the seven continents, Peter Jean Hernandez, and more

georgia of team uk on mtv the challenge war of the worlds 2
Team UK’s Georgia didn’t know what artist Peter Gene Hernandez is, but how many people do? Pic credit: MTV screencap

On MTV’s The Challenge War of the Worlds 2 Episode 6, some of the competitors were put into an explosive situation. They were strapped into ejection seat chairs with harnesses attached. The show host TJ Lavin stood behind a podium with a large button on it.

Basically, each of the competitors received a trivia question. If they got it right, they stayed put.

If they were wrong, though, TJ would smash that button, and the competitor went flying up into the stratosphere. So what were the answers they needed?

Answers for Challenge War of the Worlds 2 trivia questions

Team USA and Team UK competitors had their brainpower put to the test on the show with the Explosive Decision challenge. There were some amazingly simple questions such as “How many seconds are in five minutes?” Somehow, Team UK got that wrong when they answered 50 seconds instead of 300.

Other easy questions included, “Who invented the telephone?” (Alexander Graham Bell) and “Who came up with E=MC squared?” (Einstein). There were also questions such as “Who fought in the war of 1812?” (USA and UK) and “What is the number PI in two decimal places?” (3.14).

Some of the questions were more difficult. For example, Team UK thought it was a trick question when TJ asked: “What is Tiger Woods’ first name?” It’s not Tiger; it’s Eldrick. That sent Georgia into the air and TJ proclaiming they are idiots.

Zack’s right, because not everyone watches “The Simpsons” but a lot of people do, including Dee. She knew the answer to “What is the name of the family dog on The Simpsons?” is “Santa’s Little Helper.”

Peter Gene Hernandez & the seven continents

The artist who had the most-streamed song of all time is Ed Sheeran. His song “Shape of You” is the leader, although Drake’s “One Dance” is right behind, followed by “Closer” by The Chainsmokers and Halsey. Sorry Bear, but Madonna hasn’t been streamed quite as much.

TJ gave Paulie two different words to spell for two of his trivia questions. One was alliance and the other was cutthroat. He spelled both correctly.

Dee had a tough time when she was asked to name the seven continents. Russia and South Africa don’t qualify as continents. The answer is Africa, Antartica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.

After seeing the mix of questions, Team UK did receive some of the tougher ones. After all, how many people outside of loyal fans (like Paulie) know that Bruno Mars’ real name is Peter Gene Hernandez?

Viewers can watch The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 on Wednesdays at 9/8c on MTV.

Episodes of The Challenge are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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