The Curse of Oak Island aired its Season 10 finale last night, and if only the guys had a few more episodes because it feels like they are so close to solving the island’s mystery.
Last week, viewers were left waiting to see if a new six-inch drill bit would penetrate the bottom of the garden shaft and reveal a tunnel or a shaft.
But unfortunately, those who were expecting a big reveal or a major revelation would be forgiven for feeling disappointed.
The drilling failed to get through, leaving this season finale feeling a bit like an anticlimax. But there were some high points.
Gary Drayton joined Rick and Marty Lagina at the bottom of the garden shaft, armed with his metal detector and his positive can-do attitude. These attributes paid off when the detector began pinging for non-ferrous metals, which means gold, silver, and copper.
The muddy ground at the bottom of the shaft was far too unstable at this point, meaning the guys could only listen to pings from the metal detector. But next spring, they’ll be back to dig down to those non-ferrous hits.
Dr. Spooner says the treasure is within 15 feet of the garden shaft
In the War Room, Dr. Ian Spooner told the guys that further studies on the water samples in the garden shaft area verify there’s a big deposit within 15 feet of the bottom of the shaft. This was already suspected, but it’s sure nice to get it confirmed.
Marty asked, “There’s a massive treasure within 15 feet of the garden shaft?” to which Ian responded, “Yeah, we’ve narrowed an area; something’s close by.”
In the meantime, the team had laid out the most significant finds and talking points from the season. These included the ancient Roman coin found on Lot 5 and the barter token that had a similar composition to the 14th-century cross.
All in all, the guys uncovered a whopping 800 artifacts over the year. This is actually down on Season 9, which caused Gary to quip, “Wow… I’ve been slacking.”

The team is ready for The Curse of Oak Island Season 11
Unlike the end of Season 9, which felt like a total failure with the guys back to square one, this season feels like it ended with the guys on the right track. When the new season hits, all they have to do is continue where they left off.
And the guys are totally pumped for Season 11. Every one of them agreed to return to Oak Island next year.
Jack Begley exclaimed, “How can you stop after finding a Roman coin?” And Gary pointed out that it’s not just about the Money Pit anymore; there’s treasure to be found all over the island.
The Curse of Oak Island is on hiatus.
It seems like this is being overplayed and getting really boring. Why watch another season so you can see them not find anything, but relics from the past, I can go to a museum to see stuff like that.
If you don’t like it, stop watching. I guess if you had been on the Mayflower, you would have turned back when there was no land in sight after a few weeks. Perseverance got the Pilgrims to the new world. Whether or not “treasure” is ever found on Oak Island, someone did a lot of work hundreds of years ago (when the was no heavy equipment and only man power) to do something on a major scale on a tiny island a few hundred feet from the mainland. The story and History are as important as the “treasure”.
If you don’t like it, stop watching.
in the season 11 finale the team will find a message in a bottle that when translated says
“sorry but we sold all our s**t on ebay a long time ago”
I didn’t get that message, would have been on ebay.
Each episode has ten minutes of new material and 35 minutes of recycled baloney from previous episodes. Truly a show for retards.
..and yet, here you are…
Idiot don’t watch it anymore
Oh please. People watch for treasure, some watch for history, but some of us watch because we love seeing functional adults who have life long connections working together for a common goal. How many people waste their time and brain cells watching crap like the Kardashian’s? Oak Island is not garbage TV, it is quality TV.
I have a great deal of respect for the fellowship. Who cares if they are making money, that’s no crime. They are having a great time, and we are learning stuff.
I really want to see them find treasure, I am glad to be along for the journey. Visiting Oak Island is on my bucket list.
Very well said!
I believe the ark of the covenant and so much more is hidden down there and they’re not going to be able to get down there because of world events are going to get so bad and that’s really too bad because all they need is one more season
Hey I watch from the UK and I love it xx I can’t wait for the next season 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
I’ve been watching since the start and if nothing else is found how about the fact the the supposed new world was found much earlier than ever thought.
Keep up the search no matter what it turns up.
Let’s find out who did all this work so many years before North America was even known about.
Thanks guys would love to lend a hand
Why did they never scan the hole island with a lidar system, so you can see things that you never see when je walk aruond the island.
Geert Wierenga
I have easily ignored all the negative comments so far. I love this program and the flashbacks help to cement this true story as it goes on to the future.
Now, I predict that this season will be so exciting that the program will go down in history as one of the best ever and will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
I dare to further predict that the “treasure”, when exposed, will be one of the most important finds in history. If I may…. because of the evidence that the Knights Templar were active on the island, the fantastic treasure will be THE ARK OF THE COVENANT!!!!!!!! and other valuable religious artifacts.
It is thought that the Knights Templar found the ARK and other artifacts related to pre-Christian and to the life of Jesus in the Holy City and secreted them to their strongholds in Europe. They then moved them to other secret locations, the last being on Oak Island.
Could it be that the Lagina’s and their crew are not just treasure hunters looking for treasure, but are on a mission to restore these artifacts to the world, and thus resurrecting renewed faith in God and Jesus Christ?
I can imagine the Lagina grandkids hosting season 145 saying “Wow! We’re almost there!
I am absolutely addicted to the show. It would be great to see them find the treasure once and for all, but it’s amazing to see all the history they’ve uncovered. There’s so much information that changes so much of what the world thought they knew. Look at all the artifacts they’ve uncovered that cross several different time periods over hundreds of years! I guess you could say I love the historical and archeological aspects most. I wish they could have left the Roman building uncovered at Smith’s Cove so people could see it.
Part of me believes that there may be discoveries we’ll only find out about much later due to the historical importance and value they carry. For example, if they find the Arc of the Covenant, do you really think they’ll announce that right away??? There would be so much security and secrecy involved to protect it from theft and great discussion on where it should go.
I agree Lynn. If something like the “Arc” was discovered, it would be confiscated by the government, and locked away. We’d be none the wiser.
love the show, and dont really care about what the “treasure” actually ends up being; from my point of view they have already found tons of “treasure”, all of the artifacts hold tremendous value if only to museums, but the story of what went on there in secret is even more amazing….i mean, the amount of manpower needed to do what they did, and somehow keep it quiet, just boggles my mind
Its more of a love hate relationship with the show. The real treasure is the fact that they are dispelling the Christopher Columbus myth of him being the first European to visit the new world.
All of season 10 and no mention of the muon detectors. That would give us a picture of the subsurface
I hope they have this info for this season and cut down on the repetitive stuff.
I agree with too much repetition. Between the repetition and the 15 minuets of commercials we really only get about 20 or less minuets of new information. Regardless I love this show and by recording it I can zip through all the commercial junk.
Rick & Marty have mentioned the Reader’s Digest article that got them interested in Oak Island. I also read that in Reader’s Digest as a child and have been reading everything I could on it.
It’s been wonderful to see them passionately (obsessively?) working to solve the mystery. Several years ago they uncovered a possible connection with a French mission to supply money for the French side of the war over Canada. That was about 1745, and many finds pointed to that possibility.
However, the Knights Templar connection slowly emerged as a scenario impossible to dismiss. If that proves to be the true story, history will never be the same. I don’t look for the Ark of the Covenant to be found, but other historical data will be invaluable.
I have been watching from the beginning. Like Rick and Marty, and many others, I read that Reader’s Digest article when I was a kid. I have always been fascinated by the story.
If the timber-supported tunnels and shafts found actually date from the 17th or 18th century, it seems clear that the tunnels and shafts were constructed by military sappers (tunnel diggers). Ordinary pirates, privateers and the like did not have the expertise to construct such deep and well-supported structures to hide their loot. Only a military expedition like (as mentioned in the show) a French fleet trying to re-conquer parts of Canada or a British ship returning from the evacuation of New York City at the end of the Revolutionary War would have the personnel and expertise to construct such shafts and tunnels. The idea that the depositors were Knights Templar in the 14th century borders on the absurd because the Knights lacked the navigational expertise and appropriate ships to do so.
Whether a treasure is still there, is another question. If British or French forces deposited treasure in the shafts and tunnels, they would certainly have returned to retrieve it – clandestinely if it were the French. What can reasonably be hoped for is that the retrieval expedition missed collecting all of the loot. At nearly $2,000 an ounce, one chest or several bags of gold coin can amount to a tidy sum. So, I’m hoping that the Fellowship of the Dig comes up with a leftover pile of coins and/or ingots of gold and silver. That would make it all seem worthwhile. However, I believe there is little chance that their find will be anywhere near the order of Mel Fisher’s Atocha treasure ship.
if history is correct and you have done your homework, it was all moved to a small Scottish church , in a underground crypt , all the signs are there
Great historical perspective. Appreciate info from the European trips that support their theories. More educational than what most schools provide. Would appreciate less repetition, fewer commercials and a little better script writing. Great examples for our youth of a team of dedicated people who work hard for a living. Better than most of the worthless programming offered today. “Bubbly Dazzler”