The Lagina brothers want your theories on The Curse of Oak Island

Marty and Rick Lagina in the trailer for The Curse of Oak Island Season 5
Marty and Rick Lagina in the trailer for The Curse of Oak Island Season 5

Have your own theories about The Curse of Oak Island? The Lagina brothers and the rest of the Oak Island team are looking for your ideas about what lies hidden on the island and how to uncover it.

The pair are part of the “Fellowship of the Dig” who run Oak Island Tours Inc. along with the Blankenships, Alan Kostrzewa and Craig Tester, and the group’s website wants fans to submit theories about the island, its purported treasures, and technology that could help with the quest.

The new trailer for The Curse of Oak Island Season 5, which we exclusively revealed this week, has already pointed at some massive finds for the brothers including a historic coin, keys and the original Money Pit.

What’s more, the team are still on the island completing Season 5 so there could well be more big discoveries to come.

The Laginas and the rest of the group are keen to hear from people who have NEW theories which they have not heard before and which have not previously been researched.

You can send your ideas to them by following the instructions and filling in the form on the Oak Island Tours Inc submission page.

The Curse of Oak Island returns to History for Season 5 on November 7.

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Stu Bowen
Stu Bowen
4 years ago

Just a thought that may help with how they may have dug the tunnels on oak island. You may want to take a look at the tunnels that were dug under Lake Arrowhead CA. Seeing as the lake itself is 180 feet deep and the tunnels go under the Lake itself the way they were constructed could aid in how the ones on the island were done. Just a thought. Because Arrowheads tunnels were dug by hand also. If you have any questions you can reach me on Facebook.

Stu. Bowen.

John Parente
John Parente
4 years ago

I have not seen the most recent of your videos as I’ve lost tract of them. But today I just came upon a scott wolters investigating Denver airport and the connection with the Free Masons.. It was a video by National Geographic. In the video is mentioned the hooked X. It struck a chord, as I remembered mention of a hooked X in at least one of your video’s.
Woters also had a video on the Kensington Rune stone with a hooked X. You may hava already investigated this connection
Just suggesting it may have something to do with your hooked X.

Joseph Vanchieri Jr.
Joseph Vanchieri Jr.
3 years ago

On the newest episode you found leather from late 15th century. Have you had it tested to see what type of keather it is? If it is cow you could rule out the vikings. If it is caribou/reindeer it is most likely viking.

John Savenko
John Savenko
3 years ago

The ash being found on the road you uncovered was probably mixed with sand. It makes a good hardpack and smooth road on top of the stone. Blessings to yall

Rod Hall
Rod Hall
3 years ago

With the number of artifacts from approximately 1460 being found along the stone pathway may I call your attention to the unexplained supply of salted cod (a major trading commodity throughout Europe at that time) which Bristol merchants Croft and Jay came up with two years after the Hansiatic League boycotted shipments of cod from iceland to Bristol in 1485.
Two years later the two merchants were somehow well supplied with salted cod from an unknown source. A Factory on an island off the Nova Scotian coast would have been a good spot to dry and salt the cod before shipment to Bristol and would offer good protection from the ferocious native tribes on the mainland.
When John Cabot arrived in that area in 1495, Basque fishermen had been established in those waters for seemingly more than a hundred years.
This would explain the substantial working site, but probably not any treasure pit ( I am guessing, based on the coconut fiber they were unrelated.
[email protected]

3 years ago

Could the stone pass me used to fill in the swamp

3 years ago

Rick… If or when you find a treasure, would you go forward searching for more historic information
into other happenings on the island. This way to have a fuller spread of knowledge of what has transpired through all the centuries there ?

Robb Blaney
Robb Blaney
3 years ago

The 4 non ferous areas ( specifically drilling area Z) drills down to 40 feet with nothing found. the cobblestone road was found how many feet down from surface? would that not indicate that material has accumulated over the years so if the road was found X feet down from the surface at least that much should be added to the depth of the drilling depth i.e. 40+ feet. To find X marks the spot instead of the center of Nolans Cross, if the Cross is standing at the alter would it not stand at alter on the bottom of the Cross

3 years ago

Marty you have too many Freemasons working with you…if it is Templar treasure and the Freemasons are descended from them, don’t you think it would be in their interest to protect that treasure and sabotage you guys. think about it…fire them all and hire real treasure hunters…but then again Canada might be run by the same globalists and hinder your advance.

Steve Tarpley
Steve Tarpley
3 years ago

Could it be possible to overlay the lead cross over Nolan’s Cross? The hole in the top of the lead cross might indicate where you should dig at the top left of Nolan’s Cross.

Jeff Sanger
Jeff Sanger
3 years ago

Hey guys,

Just wondering if you have entertained the use of LIDAR on your quest? It would show you a lot of what you cannot see and give you a concise map of the island. Well worth the effort. Good luck and may your determination be well rewarded!

Jeff Sanborn
Jeff Sanborn
3 years ago

I think you should dig where those white rocks make a horse shape right by where you guys are digging for the money pit.

Edward Ridgway
Edward Ridgway
3 years ago

The foundation you are investigating near the stone road is most likely a forge. Repeated high temperatures, confined space, and the holes through the foundation are for forced air from bellows (probably) to maintain the heat and feed the fire. I would also point to the many nails found in the area by Gary as discards from reshoeing those oxen. Very small oxen could have been used to haul debris out of the tunnels.
As an aside, why hasn’t anyone investigated the feature labeled (The Valve) which may be a way to stop the flooding of your tunnels? Anyone attempting to reclaim the treasure would have the resources to dive to the bottom of flooded tunnels back in ancient times.

Jerry A Mouton
Jerry A Mouton
3 years ago

I think it may possible that when the Knight Templars were banished from Europe they came to Nova Scotia to set up their new banking system. Attracting many of their clients in their past ventures. Pirates, leaders who have stolen vast amounts of wealth etc. My namesake (Mouton) had settled in Nova Scotia around 1670-80’s). Came to Louisiana 1755. They settled just West of Oak Island about 60 miles at Port Mouton (or Bay). I believe there are many vaults that were buried on Oak Island. I really enjoy your show and believe you will succeed in your Quest! I believe you have been quite successful just with the structures and roads you have discovered so far.
My best to you my Friend
Jerry Mouton
Cajun Country

Jimmy Fugate
Jimmy Fugate
2 years ago

when you found a well that was pressurized I thought it might be a good idea to cap that well with an air valve and pump air into it to find any other wells that were connected.

Frank Hutfless
Frank Hutfless
2 years ago

Rick and Marty: First and foremost, I am not really an expert on anything, so you are probably way ahead of me on what I’m thinking. Nevertheless, here goes. There has been a significant amount of inquiry, fact finding and speculation related to the role of the Knights Templar in the Oak Island mystery. Perhaps some more in depth research into the relationship between French King Phillip and the Knights Templar in the 1300’s would be worthwhile. Historical fact shows Phillip needed money, owed the Knights a tremendous sum of money, didn’t like the power and wealth the Knights had amassed, so proceeded to use his army to destroy the Knights. In that process, he tried to acquire all of the knights real estate, banks, historical and financial wealth. Interestingly, everything Phillip acquired from the Knights was substantially less than written records related to the Knights wealth. In fact, the record show the Knights seemed to be aware of Phillips intentions, which may explain why Phillip’s acquisition of Knights’ property seemed to be substantially less than the Knights were known to possess. I haven’t researched what happened to the large amount of money and artifacts the Knights retained, but there is some suggestion in the record that the Knights may have removed a large part of their treasures to England, then Scotland, then the New World in order to keep what thy could. Whether any of this has any bearing on your search is beyond my limited intellect, but it is interesting that the Knights sailed from France during the mid-1300’s — they had to hide their loot beyond the knowledge and reach of Phillip. OK, I’m done now (but I do enjoy your show).

Marvin Schwenke
Marvin Schwenke
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Hutfless

Use Ms. Halperin’s map to find the valve and shut it off. Then access the money pit via the access hatch!

2 years ago

Marty, hopfully you see this…

I have a theory about the pressure that came out of the drill hole in s09e10 I believe it was.
When the tunnel system was flooded from the Booby trap system And if there was an offshoot dug for the treasure that would have gone above sea level or up in any way then the flood water would have risen up in the main money shaft and also into the offshoot only until the pressure of air inside that shoot stopped the floodwaters from raisin, pressurizing it. Therefore when the drill hits, let’s say, the offshoot shaft or actual money chaimber where the money is being held in a pocket of trapped air by seawater underneath, that air has to get out while water rushes in from a lower level pressured by an outside source of seawater.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

P.S. I work in the oil and gas industry in the Permian and am only on s09e12 benge watching this fantastic program. You guys remind me of me and my brothers. I love your professionalism and love for people.
I would love more than anything to be out there with you guys and Alex (sorry, he’s my favorite, fantastic attitude). This is right down my alley.
My love for puzzles and figuring things out has always attracted me to things like this.
Please feel free to write back

2 years ago

I would like to see a 3D “map” of where all the drilling (small boar and large) where there has been wood found, what depths and what kind of wood (searcher or original) and if it appears to be “tunnel” wood or shaft structure, and see if it begins to present a “map” of the directions of the tunnels. That might be very enlightening. I thought of that when there was the episode with the “mapping” with the device that looks under the ground. Ultimately if they could discern the direction of tunnels that could be very helpful.
Beyond that, while this entire show has been fascinating, it does not make sense to me that a project that took MANY people over a period of time to build and place treasure, with so many people involved, so many who knew of an amazing treasure, that NONE of them ever came back to retrieve it, quietly, carefully, so as to not cause any notice. We see how much effort the Laginas are going through, how much effort would it be for people who KNEW exactly where it was and how to avoid the boobytraps?

Ron Owen
Ron Owen
2 years ago

Hi Im your local armchair treasure hunter,,wanting to add something,,you have found lots of stuff there,and you have some swages for sharpening chisels and chisels to chip stone,,and you have been drilling and digging in dirt. Have you thought that the so called vault is actually bedrock that was drilled into and got chips of gold? your tunnels go to somewhere that leads to a tunnel or vault in the BEDROCK. that drill went through a cap or the top of an area that was dug out of the rock. Good Luck fellas!

Neal joseph Farrell
Neal joseph Farrell
2 years ago


Jerry Blackett
Jerry Blackett
2 years ago

The can that went down S9 E23 passed through a void, why didn’t you raise the can 10 feet or so and send down a camera of a diver? You could have found the money pit and just been on a side of it, but without looking you’ll never know.

2 years ago

Have you ever investigated the initiation well in Portugal. It’s 90 feet deep and has tunnels spreading out from it at the bottom. It was built by the templars in the middle ages. Sounds and looks like Oak Island to me.

2 years ago

With the mishmash of artifacts (various dates and world locations), my bet is a secluded refitting port for privateers, with the swamp as a natural dry dock. Pirates could have been in possession of all manor of bits and bobs, from around the world and from many ages. In addition, it’s not like they could sail into just any old port for combat damage repair.

Lots of broken ship pieces (no ship) and a pine tar kiln. I’d also check the soil around the money pit for elements or minerals used in ship building/repair. Maybe all of the hard work was as a mining operation as opposed to attempting to conceal treasure on an island that experienced so much early traffic and industry.

Tony Murrell
Tony Murrell
2 years ago

The O symbol is in fact the symbol for the ‘Centre’ it is a point within a circle from which every part of the circumference is equidistant.

Fake name
Fake name
2 years ago

I had a idea to get the gold lol.. I got the idea from a fly, they throw up acid to digest food then suck the mixture back into their face hole. So I was thinking.. if you just get a drill and drill deep as hell kinda like when taking soil and rock samples and if there actually is something found squirt some mercury in there, the gold will amalgamate and the mercury can be sucked back up (cuz it is liquid kinda)

2 years ago

So im no expert, but I’m sure I’ll keep giving you guys more and more ideas. I’m watching the show for the first time and I’ve been changed into season 5 already. I have a feeling they dug a trench slightly into the area where the swamp is and rolled the boat ashore so it would be easier to take apart and use those parts to build tunnels and whatever building materials they needed. They probably took everything off of the boat which landed on different parts of the island and that’s why you’re finding different pieces in different areas. Most likely they threw all of the extra pieces of metal and what they weren’t using into the swamp. Another thing for finding that keyhole object, is that the ladies said that three treasure chests were found already. When those chests were found they probably broke the hatch open to get into it and that’s why the keyhole was found underground, because it was broken off. But I will bet a lot of that wood found underground is from the boat. I’ll give more ideas soon.

Brian Knight
Brian Knight
2 years ago

LIDAR scans, can show you data not available by other topographical software via drone. I know your team already knows LIDAR can identify ancient roads systems, cart pathways, and trails centuries old. Topically hidden beneath the tree canopy and foliage. Evidence similar to the recent discovery in South America of Mayan structures and connecting highway systems. Possibly identifying the stone road in the swamp earlier. Also potentially showing a path leading away from the Wharf connected to lot 26, or a pathway leading away from the swamp. Again, I know your team has probably already considered this. Just a suggestion from a big fan. Good Luck!!

2 years ago

marty i have a clue to the treasure its big it has to do with the stone symbols

2 years ago

rick the stone with H + O i saw you posted it it a huge clue i found it on a map its a land marker i yoused it black an white picture to help me find it i know where it is describeing an have decoded the exact location ! please contact me i think you haft to know this it had to do with the cross i found 30 years ago its real you guys its a big clue, its big enough for the world an your show………..

Will Fi
Will Fi
1 year ago

Marty/Rick and your team

As most of us have watched the show since the beginning, it looks like you have potentially found a fresh new trail.

I wanted to share with you some thoughts I had regarding your mining contractor.
I hope that and probably am pretty sure you and the tunneling contractor have considered the potential impact encountering ground/flood water during excavation and tunneling at the garden site. Whether that is addressed with well pointing, pumps other dewatering efforts.

Given the videos shown of the boring sites and along the path of a potential ancient tunnel, it appears that the tunnel is flooded, as shown on the camera dropped into those boring holes. If so, will the mining contractor during his process, encounter that flood water? Breaking through In-Situ or previously excavated spaces while tunneling to locate an existing depositor or other tunnel can be a challenge. I hope that you have considered that potentiality.

Additionally, I am sure/hope you have considered that the mining contractor has consulted with an engineer not less than a PE with sufficient experience in mining/deep excavation.
The effects encountered with deep excavation and tunneling are necessary to plan for given ground loads, soil type, tunnel squeezing and structural tunnel lining.

In my experience with deep excavation for underground buildings and especially storm
lines at industrial sites using double 60″ and larger RCP’s as well as the large box culverts. We would well point the line prior to driving sheeting. During excavation we would make every effort to avoid potential sluffing and ground water infiltration by laying a 12″ bed of #57 crushed stone lay the pipes as well as placing an additional deeper pump pit at
sufficient intervals.

Just my thoughts.

Good luck to all of you and keep those safety efforts up.

William-Retired Construction Manager

Leonard L Padalino
Leonard L Padalino
1 year ago

I have followed your program for over nine years and came up to the following conclusion.
That the Templers ran a world bank from Oak Island. This would account for the findings of treasures from different counties from around the world. Also, the many tunnels that you have found could lead to many chambers each containing the deposits of an individual country. The Templers could then make deposits in the right chamber there for keeping each countries treasure separate from any others.

1 year ago

I think that the artefacts found so far, show that people have visited, and /or inhabited that island for the past few hundred years, on and off. . I don’t think you are using proper archeology techniques sometimes, instead, running around in circles . The chance that treasure may have been buried there, is a possibility. If so, the chance that people have retrieved that treasure in the last few hundred years is even higher, probably. But hey, we all like a treasure hunt. . Just know when you’re done, and don’t let it consume you. ??

1 year ago

I look forward to each new episode every week but it wasn’t until this week that something dawned on me. If I had spent all the time and effort burying something of definite value, I wouldn’t feel comfortable just leaving it. I would have left someone to watch over it. It might explain some of the other artifacts around the island. Otherwise, I believe it was the Knights Templar burying a treasure that would account for the wide range of artifact years. I also believe there’s a record of the whole expedition somewhere in Europe. More than likely in the city or castle of the expedition’s origin.

Jason Nester
Jason Nester
1 year ago

In the shot across the pond of the old well, I noticed a very old tree on the bank. This to me looks like a very old Cedar off Lebanon, of which Solomon’s Temple was built. It may be a sign of something in itself.Old Bristlecone pines look similar, either way it seems strangely out of place. May be reason for a bit of investigation there. Love your show, and never miss it. Best wishes on all your endeavors.

Alan Henderson
Alan Henderson
1 year ago

Have you considered the dig on lot 5 may have been an outhouse? Bottle diggers for years have been finding broken pottery, etc. in the bottom of old outhouses. Back filling the hole is done when finished w/ use.

Morley Cox
Morley Cox
1 year ago

The well with the silver is consistent with other wells constructed in the old world. Silver coins were included in the well structure for its medicinal qualities. So my theory is that the earliest group dug the well near water so that there was a source which could flow thru the soil and intentionally put coin somewhere in the walls, and may have also hidden some Silver bars it. then when the former slave purchased the land, he probably manually haulded water from the well to water his cabbage, and found some of the Silver in the well as he dipped the water out. So the well is probably the first constructed object on the island, and it was used later by others who camped near to it in order to get water. And so someone should take a metal detector, drain the well and then try to locate some coins still imbedded in the walls which may give further info on when it was dug. Thanks for the opportunity to contribute. Morley .

Morley Cox
Morley Cox
1 year ago

Are you planning to test the wood of the ladder from the money pit to determine when it was constructed/ Morley Cox

1 year ago

Please take Mattie of the show I can’t stand to listen to him

Justin Hutchinson
Justin Hutchinson
1 year ago

Well Theory, Just a thought after they found the 2nd well on the opposite side of the island could those be the sources for the booby trap water tunnels that lead to the money pit?

Brian Scott
Brian Scott
1 year ago

I would agree with others who have stated that part of the treasure is probably located in an area carved out of rock. Why have so many rock tools if they are not used for tunneling in rock.

On a separate note. The rock walls may have been used as a place to locate cannon or be used as a protective wall for depositors to use in case someone else came to the island during the time they were preparing and depositing the treasures. I remember the original one made of wood on the beach next to the slipway. After unloading and getting established. it would make sense to go further inland to avoid being seen and build light fortifications in case anyone else happened by. The two walls could have been built at different times by different depositors.
My belief is that everything points to multiple depositors. The different designs of walls, wells, rock and wood wharfs and slipways all point to multiple depositors or users of the island.

Steve J Sekulski
Steve J Sekulski
1 year ago

I have a coin just like that lead piece with two holes that was found in Spain, it was found in a roman ruin.

Marty Logan
Marty Logan
1 year ago

Good morning guys. First and foremost, I am a huge fan, and am rooting for you to find everything that you are looking for. Would love to join someday in the dig. Here is a theory of mine. If the original depositors dug as many tunnels and shafts as yall think, what did they do with the dirt? I think the cobble stone paths, ramps, and roads were used not only to carry goods and treasures up from the ocean, but to carry all the dirt and stones down. I think the (swamp), which wasn’t a swamp, was damned off, and the dirt was deposited there, and gradually filled up the area with dirt, which made the “swamp”, as well as possibly concealing something at that location. I have a few more theories as well, that I would like to discuss if yall are interested, please contact me. [email protected]
Thanks so much and best of luck!!

Marty Logan
8X World Champion Drag Boat Racer
Midlothian, Texas

Paul M. Marander
Paul M. Marander
1 year ago

I have tried to contact you folks on & off for quite some time now. I am a retired Instrument Mechanic/Technician with the knowledge of older Instrumentation and their applications. I have an idea that you may want to employ in your drilling operations on the island which could allow you to work unhindered by the water level. I would enjoy the opportunity to discuss my ideas with you and you can feel free to use them at your discretion.

1 year ago

Have you noticed that the eye in the top of the swamp is joined by the cobble road with the ramp and side cobble trail crossing it-if you look at it as a whole it resembles the lead cross. Short arm taking it? off boats and transferring it to the long to place it at its end. Looks like the lead cross a coincident or part of the clue.

Lance E Cranmore
Lance E Cranmore
1 year ago

The theory of what the blonde lady said about the 45 degree angle from the money pit she said it was 52 feet and then 1052 feet from there if we were talking about Europeans setting this up the distance wouldn’t be in feet but it would be in meters because they use the metric system in Europe and only the US uses the standard measurement system of feet and inches so she may still be right on her theory but you did find it because you were using feet and not meters

Lance E Cranmore
Lance E Cranmore
1 year ago

Another theory on those large stakes they probably weren’t used to stake the area but to stake where it is shallow so as not to run aground on the shore line today’s society we use bouys back then they would use large wooden stakes

Gary Haman
Gary Haman
1 year ago

This is from a real fan of your show. Me and one of my friends have Oak Island Blankets and watched the program for months every year until midnight. I have a 10 acre ranch and collections of artifacts, Fossils and ancient coins. I was so disappointed to know that I can not see the show anymore on digital TV. Guys like me need something to dream about when we can’t afford cable tv, etc.

Thanks anyway. Pray that God will release the secrets to you. If you find ancient artifacts from the Israel nation, share them with the world! Don’t sell them to some Billionaire who will put them in his vault!

Lynn Reeser
Lynn Reeser
1 year ago

We believe it’s the Knights of Malta NOT the Knights Templar.

Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan
1 year ago

Who collects the disparate coins found on Lot 5 from different jurisdictions? A banker – like the Knights Templar.

1 year ago

Sorry brothers, you may find what is there, but the cost will outweigh any profit you expect. I love discovering the unknown But when the investment “discovers” pieces of wood, metal objects, a few coins, signs of this or that well over the course of twelve years, the millions that have been “sunk” into this endeaver will only be somewhat returned in the boring repetetive tv show. I do wish you luck in your wine business. Your gonna need it to pay your bills. The lost dutchman mine might have been easier,