The Pizza Boys show off their amazing skills on Little Big Shots

Little Big Shots
One of the Pizza Boys shows off his skills on Little Big Shots

This week on Little Big Shots, two boys who really know how to spin pizza dough and siblings from Japan who can really shred on their skateboards.

You know those pizza restaurants where the chefs sometimes spin the pizza dough and throw it about? Well the Pizza Boys take it to a whole other level with two on the go at once and spinning them whilst flat on their backs, they also ask Steve if he is Italian.

Two other kids with a great sense of balance are a brother and sister from Japan who can really shred on their skateboards and they even do a bit of surfing on the side, they also wonder if Steve is much of a surfer.

This girl performs a really magical routine
This girl performs a really magical routine

Other performers this week include an amazing 10-year-old girl who contorts herself into all manner of shapes and can even fire a bow and arrow with her feet.  There is also a singer, a dancer and a boy who stares…

Little Big Shots airs at 8:00 PM on NBC.

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