
The Price Is Right’s Drew Carey says ‘That’s how we do it’ after contestant waves off husband to get win

the price is right host drew carey face shot from cbs episode
The Price Is Right host Drew Carey loves to see winners on the show. Pic credit: CBS

A contestant on The Price Is Right impressed host Drew Carey and fans with her ability to make decisions under pressure.

She continued playing a high-risk game, even when her significant other tried to tell her to take another prize and walk away.

The daytime game show regularly offers a variety of pricing games in which contestants can win trips, cash, cars, and other prizes.

Sometimes, those prizes have more significant price tags than usual, which was the case in an ER nurse’s appearance on the show.

That’s because it happened on The Price Is Right at Night, where more expensive prices are up for grabs.

One of the contestants competed for a brand new car, which had a significantly higher value than other cars viewers had seen given away during the daytime version of the show.

TPIR contestant played a high-risk game for a high-reward prize

The Price Is Right recently shared a memorable moment from the show featuring an ER nurse attempting to win a brand new Range Rover.

Drew told her that wasn’t the only potential prize on the line, as she could also win $20,000 in addition to it.

She played the game Gas Money, where she had to choose price tags on the board that weren’t the price of the Range Rover.

“Here’s the trick: You can not pick the car price until the very end or at all, or you win nothing at all,” Drew explained, adding, “You can accumulate money along the way and stop whenever you want.”

“So, do not pick the car price first,” he told the contestant, Rachel.

The five price tags on the Gas Money game board ranged from $65,109 to $75,339.

Rachel chose $61,580 first, and as model Devin Goda revealed, it was not the price of the car. Instead, it had $4,000 behind it.

After looking to the audience again, where her significant other was seated, she chose $65,109. Behind that price tag was $8,000.

She chose the $75,339 tag with $2,000 on the back. She’d accumulated $14,000, causing her to scream with excitement.

That left her to choose between the $68,825 and $72,245 price tags on the board. 

Drew added to the moment’s pressure by explaining that she could pick the correct card to reveal $6,000, winning the cash and the car. However, he said she’d leave empty-handed if she chose the wrong one.

ER nurse refused to stop playing for a Range Rover

With $14,000 available to walk away, Rachel said “No” and seemed to wave off someone in the audience suggesting she take the money, possibly her husband.

The camera showed a man named Eric in a matching purple shirt who suggested she choose the $72,045 price tag. He put his hands together near his face as if praying she made the right call.

“Yes!” Drew said as Devin flipped the price tag to reveal $6,000.

With that, Rachel won the new Range Rover and $20,000, which caused her to scream and jump excitedly. During her thrilling moment, she also hugged Drew and Devin.

“That’s how we do it,” Devin said as he stood beside Drew.

“That’s how we do it,” the host said, echoing his comment.

Fans reacted to the contestant’s exciting win

The Price Is Right fans reacted to the show’s memorable moment as the ER nurse won a Range Rover.

“Yes that was awesome 💯 she kept her faith and stayed in the race ❤️,” a commenter said.

Another commenter said, “hubby was like quit,” but “she was like no which one? Bb 😍😂😂😂😂.”

Others mentioned how they never saw a Range Rover as a prize on the show or that “She deserved it.”

“She certainly has big brass ones to go all the way!!! So happy for her!!!! 🎉,” a commenter wrote.

instagram screenshot of comments for the price is right er nurse win
Pic credit: @therealpriceisright/Instagram

The recent clip was shared not long after some fans of the show again suggested the show rigged games for contestants or that some contestants used shady techniques.

A man previously showed impressive performance when he played the Dice Game perfectly. He only rolled one or six each time, so he never had to guess “higher” or “lower” for the numbers in the price of his car.

Some fans mentioned he was doing something special with the dice, and others even called the game “rigged” for him to win.

After another recent episode, fans blasted a contestant who won a trip she really wanted, with Drew suggesting her win was “meant to be.”

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