
The Rookie recap: Trust and smiles make for surprises

Officer Chen staring down a lady with T.O. Bradford
Chen & Bradford aren’t fooled by you on The Rookie. Pic credit: ABC

The Rookie returns from a two-week break with one hell of an episode. American Idol dropped in, a crime was solved across the street, and (spoiler alert) a damn good PROPOSAL happened! 

That’s the simplest way I can sum up tonight’s episode because holy crap what an hour. First, we found out Lucy Chen can sing! Damn girl, I wish I could hear that more often.

On the serious side, Nolan & Harper did a stakeout for her daughter, while Lucy got caught in a reporter’s crime-solving web. Thankfully it ended on a happy note that has me grinning like a fool.

Before I get ahead of myself, why don’t we dive into tonight’s hour?

Trust is the name of the game

When you’re out in the world, trust is a solid thing to walk on. It is even more important for police officers. It’s what allowed Harper to ask Nolan to drop in and buffer with her ex for a stakeout.

It’s why Bradford refused to give an inch with a reporter who really should have known better. Making a choice was center-stage last time we checked in, but if there’s one thing you can’t take for granted, it’s trust.

Unlike Valerie, who slyly used a thank you drink to get herself a slam dunk click-bait picture. I don’t care how pretty you are. No one takes advantage of my girl Lucy Chen.

Especially for a tabloid photo you just had to freaking hang out the window!

Thankfully on the good side of trust, Harper and Nolan were in sync, investigating her daughter’s nightmares. I can’t assume that real police work is exactly like real life, but this show does a damn good job of getting close.

Solving what you thought was a simple crime, and then turning into a fight for life with a psycho showcases the balance these writers nail between light-hearted and serious.

How else can you pull off laughing during a very awkward dinner to being scared to death for Nolan?

Truly though, Harper and Nolan have come a long way this season.

It was excellent to see that, despite his dinner date, he’d still step out with Grace to help his partner. Nolan, don’t ever break up with Grace.

She’s the literal best for being happy with your weird dates.

Being alive means taking a risk once in a while

Personal life-wise, relationships got a closer look and oh my god I’m so happy they did. Angela and Wesley got engaged! Yes, I’m excited, but god, can you blame me?

That was literally the sweetest & best-timed proposal I’ve seen on television in a long time. These two have been through a lot, and I love that Jackson figured it out from the hot balloon ride on the night shift.

Nolan and Grace continued to also be ridiculously adorable on an impromptu date/stake out dinner. Seriously I love them, and how honest they are being with each other, navigating dating after their respective experiences.

Harper hit the nail on the head about Grace putting her son first, but I have faith they’ll figure that out when they get to that point. In the meantime, if they want to keep being adorable, I have no issue because we could use all the smiles right now.

Final Thoughts

If the writers want to find another excuse for Melissa O’Neill to sing again, I’d have no issue with this. Preferably a love song, where Tim Bradford is looking at her where she’s the entire world.

If Valerie, the bad reporter, wants to guest again, it would be super cool to see Rosalyn spar with her real-life husband, aka our very own Bradford.

The grocery store story broke my heart, but honestly, it just made me love Lila even more. That little girl is sunshine and brings it out in Harper anytime they’re together.

The Rookie airs Sundays at 10/9c on ABC

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