
The Vet Life: Dr. Blue tries to save owl’s most precious asset, its sight

Dr. Diarra Blue on The Vet Life
Dr. Diarra Blue performs the emergency C-section on tonight’s The Vet Life season finale

This week on Animal Planet’s The Vet Life — a poorly owl is in danger of losing its most precious asset: its sight.

The feathered predator is brought into the clinic run by Dr. Ross, Dr. Lavigne and Dr. Blue with an ulcer on the iris of its right eye.

They have to cover the majestic bird with a blanket as they inspect it and get a swab so they can check what the cause of the problem is and whether it’s anything fungal.

The doctors stain the surface of the eye which allows them to see if there is any abrasion — and it’s not good news.

Unfortunately the owl has a condition where the iris is so enflamed that it has become attached to the cornea, meaning the shape of its pupil is being affected.

What’s worse, if nothing’s done urgently the owl risks ending up with glaucoma and possibly blindness.

Watch the preview clip for Saturday’s episode below as Dr. Blue investigates the owl’s condition, and sees if there’s anything that can be done.

Also on the episode, titled Hope for Hoppy, we will see him and Dr. Ross travel to a farm to check out a group of sick piglets, and Dr. Ross gives an adorable puppy a second chance at life by carrying out vital surgery.

The Vet Life is on Saturdays at 10/9c on Animal Planet.

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