Vanessa Nelson takes things to the next level with one of her dates on this week’s Married at First Sight: Second Chances.
The former MAFS star — who was spotted with a ring on her engagement finger last week — goes on a romantic date, and steps things up a notch later in the night.
But there’s also awkward moments, like in the footage below where she tells her date she would like a kiss — then backs away when he moves in for the kill, saying: “You don’t have to tell me twice.”
And Vanessa also ends up in a bad place with one date when she has to address his chauvinism head on.
Meanwhile, David Norton — who like Vanessa appeared on Season 3 of MAFS — is struggling with whether his daters are on the show for the right reasons.
Tensions reach all new heights between the ladies despite the episode seeing them head to the shooting range to let off some steam.
And one of his daters decides the pressure of the contest is all too much for her…
Married at First Sight: Second Chances airs Thursdays at 10.15/9.15c on Lifetime.