
Vanna White wants to ‘walk away’ from Wheel of Fortune contract: ‘She doesn’t jibe with Ryan Seacrest’

ryan seacrest iHeartRadio Music Festival vanna white Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball
Vanna White isn’t exactly fond of her future co-host, Ryan Seacrest. Pic credit: © Acosta/Image Press Agency/Byron Purvis/AdMedia

Wheel of Fortune star Vanna White is struggling to come to grips with the fact that Pat Sajak is retired.

Vanna and Pat share a tight bond, having worked on Wheel of Fortune together for over 40 years.

Now that Pat has officially retired, Vanna is gearing up to join her new sidekick, future Wheel of Fortune host Ryan Seacrest.

Although the two have put on a united front in recent promos for Season 42, behind the scenes, Vanna, 67, has reportedly voiced that she is less than thrilled to share the stage with Ryan, 49, this fall.

As Monsters and Critics reported, Vanna signed on for another few years at Wheel of Fortune through the 2024-2025 season.

But, according to an insider who spoke with Daily Mail UK, Vanna is considering ending her contract early.

Vanna White doesn’t ‘jibe’ with Ryan Seacrest as she did with Pat Sajak

If Vanna White gets her way, she’ll cut the contract short — anything to avoid working alongside Ryan Seacrest.

“Vanna is retiring from the show when her contract ends, but there is a part of her that wants to walk away sooner,” the show insider said. “It is just so difficult to do this without Pat.”

The source continued, “She just doesn’t jibe with Ryan like she did with Pat, and no one really ever expected her to. There is just no way that she possibly could.”

According to the source, Vanna feels she’s “put her time in” and “devoted her life” to her Wheel of Fortune career.

Vanna knows she’ll need to go in “a different direction,” to appeal to a younger demographic.

“This will require a younger female host, someone who can be to Ryan what she was to Pat,” added the insider.

Ryan Seacrest is ready to take the helm at Wheel of Fortune this fall

Vanna and her future co-worker have already filmed two episodes of Wheel of Fortune.

Season 42 debuts September 2024 and Wheel watchers will get their first glimpse at Vanna and Ryan working together at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California.

During a recent Wheel of Fortune handoff video, Pat and Vanna welcomed Ryan with open arms.

While passing the proverbial baton to Ryan, Pat told his successor, “Well, you’re never gonna find a better job. And you’re never gonna find a better co-host.”

Ryan had nothing but nice things to say about his predecessor, Pat Sajak, in a farewell post on Instagram earlier this month.

“Your dedication, charm, and wit have made the show a beloved part of American television for decades,” Ryan wrote in his post’s caption, aimed at Pat.

“Your partnership with Vanna has been nothing short of iconic,” he continued, “And together, you’ve created countless wonderful memories for viewers.”

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3 days ago

Ryan will probably be mediocre just like Drew Carey is on Price is Right

1 day ago

Saw this coming