
Wayne Brady fires back at ‘back hand’ remark from fan about ‘hero without a cape’

wayne brady face shot from freeform series wayne brady the family remix
Wayne Brady appears in his reality TV series, Wayne Brady: The Family Remix. Pic credit: Freeform

Wayne Brady has many fans due to his entertainment work, including his hosting Let’s Make a Deal! and starring in a reality TV series with his family.

Sometimes, even critics or possibly haters can turn into fans, as a commenter recently informed Brady.

The stage and screen actor currently appears in Wayne Brady: The Family Remix, which spotlights the everyday lives of his unique blended family.

A recent episode had the behind-the-scenes as Brady and his family created a popular TikTok video in which he came out as pansexual.

Brady posted a self-recorded video on Instagram to remind viewers about the upcoming episode, saying the TikTok video was a “hard video to make.”

That prompted many comments from fans and even a former critic, who Brady addressed with a reply.

Wayne Brady spotlights ‘hard video to make’

“Hey y’all, Aloha!” Brady said as he appeared in a video from Hawaii with gorgeous blue skies and water behind him.

He reminded viewers of the upcoming episode airing on Freeform, followed by being available on Hulu.

“It’s gonna be a great episode. Tonight’s episode actually is the big TikTok episode where myself and the whole family we got together, and we made the TikTok that was of me coming out as pansexual,” he shared.

“It was such a hard video to make,” Brady said, adding, “But it was fun and done with so much love.”

In his caption, Brady referred to it as the “Penultimate episode” with the series finale forthcoming.

“Shows my Tik Tok coming out video behind the scenes and how the family pulled together to make it happen. It takes a village for real!” he said.

In a People exclusive, Brady officially came out as pansexual last year. He continues to discuss his perspective since doing so in interviews, his social media, and TV series.

Fans reacted to Wayne’s show and what it presents

An outpouring of love and support for Brady arrived in his Instagram comment section. Many fans expressed how much they loved The Family Remix series.

“I love your family & how unique the dynamic is,” a commenter wrote.

Another commenter said, “I love your show,” adding, “Always been a Wayne Brady fan and always will.”

“Please tell me season 2 is in the works! I love the show!” an individual commented.

instagram screenshot of wayne brady fans comments
Pic credit: @mrbradybaby/Instagram

Brady addressed a fan who left a ‘back hand’ comment about being ‘a hero’

Another comment on Brady’s post suggested, “the most shocking part about your show is watching you share something that many of us strongly believe or suspended.”

“You being Pansexual is not a surprise. You struggling to the tell the world to the degree that you did, is a shock!” the commenter said, adding, “We knew! Or strongly believed that you were on the sexual spectrum. And we love you just the same!!!”

screenshot from instagram comment as fan reacts to wayne brady the family remix
Pic credit: @mrbradybaby/Instagram

Brady didn’t reply to that comment, but another one got his attention from a critic who shared that they are now fans.

“I love you. And I never cared for you before, but mannn, you’re a hero without a cape. God bless you,” a commenter told Brady on his IG post.

“never cared for you before lol that’s one hell of a back hand you have,” Brady replied.

That prompted the original commenter to reply again, reiterating he now has love and appreciation for Brady.

“I meant I love you and what you stand for and now I know why,” the commenter said.

screenshot from instagram comment where wayne brady addresses critical fan
Pic credit: @mrbradybaby/Instagram

Brady wants to inspire others to be ‘authentic’

Earlier this year, Brady accepted the 2024 Pathfinder Award for his dedication and support to various causes and for raising awareness with the LGBQT community.

“I’ve been blessed with so many amazing people in my life right up from that I was in high school to now, some of my best friends, some of my mentors, the people that have steered me, given me advice, lifted me up, [and] comforted me when I fell,” he said during his acceptance speech.

Brady shared a powerful message during his acceptance speech about what he hopes to be for others, especially younger individuals struggling with their identities.

“If in any way, shape or form, what I’ve said can inspire the teenager or the young adult who was at war with themselves trying to conform to what society says you need to be or who you need to love…I pray for that young person to learn the lesson to be authentic and live your live now,” he shared.

Wayne Brady: The Family Remix airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on Freeform and the next day on Hulu.

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