Whitney Thore kisses GIRL on My Big Fat Fabulous Life

Whitney closes her eyes as her friend moves in for a kiss on My Big Fat Fabulous Life
Whitney closes her eyes as her friend moves in for a kiss on My Big Fat Fabulous Life

Get ready for the next My Big Fat Fabulous Life storyline — as star Whitney Thore gets unexpectedly cosy to a female friend from high school, who moves in for a KISS.

In this week’s episode of the hit TLC series, titled I Kissed a Girl, Whitney goes horseback riding with her old friend, but things are not all as it seems.

It doesn’t take long before Whitney, who has already had an eventful season, realizes that her friend is viewing their outing as a date.

Watch the footage from the season trailer below as her auburn-haired amigo moves in for a bit of lip-on-lip action.

The incident takes place as the pair stand outside in the sun, and was hinted at in TLC’s preview description for the season when they said it sees her “explore her sexuality”.

This week’s episode also sees Whitney go horse riding, which leaves her looking particularly startled…

Whitney, not looking completely comfortable, as she goes horseback riding
Whitney, not looking completely at ease, as she goes horseback riding

Also on this week’s episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, Whitney’s mom Babs plans a surprise for Glenn to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on TLC.

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