Tuesday night’s episode of The Voice was a bit suspenseful for fans who were waiting to see if the singer they voted for would move on to the finale.
The top eight performers from last week were narrowed down to the top four this week. Three of the contestants won over large portions of votes from fans, while another three had the chance to win the instant save.
There were two artists who were sent home due to a lack of votes on Tuesday night.
The artists with the most votes
The first three artists announced on The Voice tonight have been going strong since the very beginning.
Carson Daly announced at the beginning of the episode that one artist was streamed the most on Apple Music overnight. Daly revealed that it was Maelyn Jarmon from Team Legend who was streamed the most.
With results like this, Jarmon was the first to move on to the finale.
Team Legend was successful with getting an artist to the final round with Maelyn Jarmon, but Team Blake is still dominating the finale.
The next artist announced was Dexter Roberts, followed shortly by Gyth Rigdon. Blake Shelton has won The Voice many times before, and it’s possible that he’ll get the chance to win again.
However, two artists from Team Blake were sent home tonight without having the chance to win the instant save. Kim Cherry and Carter Lloyd Horne were sent home with the least amount of votes.
Who was saved on The Voice?
Shawn Sounds, Andrew Sevener, and Rod Stokes were the three contestants in competition to win the instant save. The instant save vote had contestant’s from each team, giving each judge the chance to have someone in the finale, with the exception of Team Adam.
The Instant Save vote was a close call for fans tonight, with all contestants being more than deserving of the vote. Rod Stokes and Shawn Sounds both received roughly 30% of the votes, but Andrew Sevener won the instant save with just over 40% of the votes.
Team Blake is dominating the finale of this season of The Voice with three contestants performing to win next week.
However, Maelyn Jarmon has been very popular among fans this season. It’s possible that John Legend could win his first ever season on The Voice.
The Voice airs Mondays at 8/7c on NBC.