Who is puzzle and maze guru David Millar from Fox’s SuperHuman?

David Millar guides Kal Penn around a maze while facing away from it
David Millar performs a maze feat with host Kal Penn on Fox’s SuperHuman. Pic: Michael Becker/FOX

Puzzle guru David Millar wows the judges on this week’s episode of SuperHuman on FOX when he guides host Kal Penn out of a maze from memory.

But Millar is no strange to puzzles, having created hundreds of all kinds over the past decade.

He is a web and graphic designer, software engineer and puzzle author, who has been creating and posting his creations on his website The Griddle since 2006.

It contains more than 1,000 of his puzzles, with new ones added regularly. They are not confined to just mazes though, he also creates logic, word, number and several other types of puzzles.

Examples include well-known ones like Sudoko and one of his personal favorites, Area 51.

He published his first book of puzzles, the Paranormal Puzzle Pack, in 2013.

Millar currently has a Patreon campaign running to help pay for his website, which he provides for free and which contains downloadable PDFs of all his puzzles.

Check him out on SuperHuman, then see if you can solve some of his puzzles!

SuperHuman airs Mondays at 9/8c on Fox.

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